This repository provides all the code and materials in relation to the article titled: Simulations reveal how touchdown kinematic variables affect top sprinting speed: implications for coaching
BioRxiv link:
All optimal control problems were formulated and solved on a Dell laptop (CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900H @ 2.50GHz, cores: 8, RAM: 32 GB) with Windows OS.
- Matlab (version 2022b was used)
- CasADi (installation instructions can be found here:
- To reproduce optimal/nominal sprinting simulation you need to run:
and set the variablesimulation_type
- To reproduce the horizontal touchdown distance (HTD) or inter-knee touchdown distance (IKTD) simulations you run the same function, but change
accordingly (e.g.,'_HTD_Plus_6'
will generate the simulation that sets HTD 6 cm greater than in the nominal/optimal simulation)