is my personal blog, a place where you can find short posts with a lot of information about Javascript, Node, React, Redux... and all that I want to remember. is based on Gatsby an excellent CMS built with the power of React and GarphQL. The template/theme that I'm using is a fork of gatsby-starter-lumen
- Lost Grid (peterramsing/lost).
- Beautiful typography inspired by matejlatin/Gutenberg.
- Mobile-First approach in development.
- Stylesheet built using SASS and BEM-Style naming.
- Syntax highlighting in code blocks.
- Sidebar menu built using a configuration block.
- Archive organized by tags and categories.
- Automatic RSS generation.
- Automatic Sitemap generation.
- Offline support.
- Google Analytics support.
- Disqus Comments support.
If you want to run locally you can use gatsby develop
command is based on the image of the crazy scientist
- About me page
- Form to let everyone send their amazing code snippets
- Search bar
- Optional feature image in posts