Allows to declare a type that handles json deserialization errors gracefully
Kotlin adaptation of a swift implementation from MP0w
Given the following data classes
data class Person(val name: String, val city: String)
data class Team(val persons: List<ErrorBox<Person>>)
And a potentially broken json
"persons": [
{"name": "Nicolas", "city": "Barcelona"},
{"name": "Alex"}
You would normally get a deserialization error, but with error box you get a list of error boxes that either contain the value or the error message.
val team: Team = objectMapper.readValue(teamJson)
💫 ✨
[Right(b=Person(name=Nicolas, city=Barcelona)), Left(a=com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.MissingKotlinParameterException: Instantiation of [simple type, class com.nicolattu.ErrorBoxTest$Person]...)]
val team: Team = objectMapper.readValue(teamJson)
val validPersons = team.persons.mapNotNull { errorBox ->
errorBox.getOrHandle { error ->
// Log error or report metric here log.error(error.message)
validPersons shouldHaveSize 1
For more examples check ErrorBoxTest
Note that the ErrorBox is a type alias from Either<Exception, T>, and therefore has all the super powers of it see the doc