Covid Shinyline uses the data from Johns Hopkins University to visualize the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The data is available from this repository.
You can scroll through the story so far, look at the countries currently leading in various statistics and view the figures on a world map.
The app uses the mapbox API. If you have an API key, save it in a key.env file that looks like this:
If you do not have such a key, the app will display a dark basemap from carto.
You can run Covid Shinyline on your own machine using the following code:
packages = c(
"data.table", "dotenv", "dplyr", "english", "forecast", "fresh", "highcharter", "htmltools", "leaflet",
"leaflet.extras", "plotly", "plyr", "quantmod", "readr", "sass", "sf", "shiny", "shinyanimate", "shinybusy",
"shinyjs", "shinyWidgets", "stringr", "waiter"
install.packages(packages, repos = "")
runGitHub("covid_shiny", "nicoFhahn")
The folks over at RStudio with the SuperZIP demo which heavily inspired the layout of the leaflet map.
[email protected], or open a GitHub issue