This repository is part of the tasks of our computer science teaching. It expands the required task of the BubbleSort and SelectionSort algorithms by additional sorting algorithms.
Tested with n
random generated numbers with a max value of 10000. The times are average values from 20 tests. The results are displayed in milliseconds.
Items | BubbleSort | CountingSort | CSharpSort | GravitySort | HeapSort | InsertionSort | MergeSort | QuickSort | RadixSort | SelectionSort |
10 | 0,4412 | 0,0890 | 0,5442 | 1,3199 | 0,0473 | 0,0238 | 0,0500 | 0,0314 | 0,0232 | 0,0450 |
100 | 0,5452 | 0,0967 | 0,3813 | 24,6079 | 0,0779 | 0,0446 | 0,0639 | 0,0482 | 0,0228 | 0,0991 |
1000 | 12,3429 | 0,1311 | 1,5494 | 189,6053 | 0,4035 | 1,1937 | 0,3664 | 0,2678 | 0,0276 | 2,0110 |
10000 | 952,9073 | 0,2968 | 2,4022 | 2232,4620 | 5,0702 | 123,7584 | 2,0847 | 3,0451 | 0,0830 | 184,6863 |
100000 | 92759,4344 | 1,8311 | 30,0934 | 63317,4748 | 65,0805 | 13440,6042 | 47,0254 | 41,6130 | 0,9383 | 19776,6919 |