A C# client for NASA's TLE Satellite API created using RestSharp.
var client = new TleApiClient();
// Get a single record with satellite id 11416.
TleRecord oneRecord = client.GetTleRecord(11416);
// Get a list of records. This request is the default collection response.
TleRecordCollection all = client.GetAllTleRecords();
// Get a list of records with certain query parameters.
var options = new TleRecordCollectionOptions()
// Search for "ISS" in the Name field of the records
Search = "ISS",
// How many records an individual response will return
PageSize = 100,
// Sort by Id, instead of the the default Name
Sort = "id"
TleRecordCollection search = client.GetAllTleRecords(options);
Further documentation for the client is available in the TLE.NET class files. Documentation for the TLE API is available at https://data.ivanstanojevic.me/api/tle/docs.