A Flutter project base using Riverpod and apply Clean Architecture pattern
- State Management: Riverpod-hooks
- Navigation: GoRoute
- Screen responsive: ResponsiveFramework
- Localization: EasyLocalization
- Network:
- Lightweight local storages:
- Login
- View Home(now playing carousel, popular list, up coming movies)
- Search Movies
- View Movie Detail
- Profile
- Setting(theme, language)
Clone this repository
[email protected]:nhatpv-1627/flutter_riverpod_base.git
Install Pub
flutter clean
flutter pub get
Run command to run code generator for your assets, fonts, colors... by FlutterGen
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Run command to add file locale_keys.g.dart
, this file support for library easy_localization
flutter pub run easy_localization:generate -S assets/translations -f keys -o locale_keys.g.dart
- develop
- staging
- production
flutter run --flavor <flavor> --dart-define=environmentName=<flavor>
Example run develop
flutter run --flavor develop --dart-define=environmentName=develop
Open Android Studio redirect to
project folder. -
Step 1, 2: Select
Run/Debug Configuration
->Edit Configurations...
Step 3, 4: On new window
Run/Debug Configuration
-> select+
-> chooseFlutter
Step 5: Create 3 new configurations
. FillAdditional run args
--flavor develop --dart-define=environmentName=develop
--flavor staging --dart-define=environmentName=staging
--flavor production --dart-define=environmentName=production