Create a countdown clock using createjs libraries.
To run the code, you will need to do some setup steps as below:
- 1. Install Nodejs
- 2. Install Grunt CLI globally
- 3. Install Bower globally
- 4. Install Browserify globally
- 5. Go to the root folder of the apps (the folder where you put these codes, where app folder, Gruntfile.js, package.json,... are stored).
- 6. Install the nodejs related modules with "npm install" command
- 7. Install the actual code & related libraries with "bower install" command
- 8. Run "grunt" command to setup tasks & processes
- 9. Go to your preference browser & put the address http://localhost:9001 to view the apps!
I'm in progress to put the demo online for you easily to see the result.
Have fun & happy coding!
1. In the apps, I used a standalone document ready script from