Build system use Docker to generate the module binary.
- 1.11.x (last tested with 1.13.5)
http {
mixer_server istio-mixer.istio-system;
mixer_port 9091;
server {
mixer_source_uid kubernetes://productpage-v1-2213572757-758cs.beta1;
mixer_source_service productpage.beta1.svc.cluster.local;
mixer_destination_service abc.ns.svc.cluster.local;
mixer_destination_uid details;
location / {
mixer_report on;
proxy_pass http://service1;
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_server <mixer_url_or_ip> |
Default | - |
Context | http |
Specify the mixer server address
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_port <port_number> |
Default | - |
Context | http |
Specify the mixer server port
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_source_ip <ip_address> |
Default | - |
Context | server, location |
Mixer attribute | source.ip |
Standard mixer attribute Client IP address
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_source_uid |
Default | - |
Context | server, location |
Mixer attribute | source.uid |
Standard mixer attribute Platform-specific unique identifier for the client instance of the source service
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_source_service |
Default | - |
Context | server, location |
Mixer attribute | source.service |
Standard mixer attribute The fully qualified name of the service that the client belongs to
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_source_port |
Default | - |
Context | server, location |
Mixer attribute | source.service |
Standard mixer attribute The fully qualified name of the service that the client belongs to
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_source_labels |
Default | - |
Context | server |
Mixer attribute | source.labels |
Standard mixer attribute The map of key-value pairs attached to the client instance.
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_destination_service |
Default | - |
Context | server, location |
Mixer attribute | destination.servicee |
Standard mixer attribute The fully qualified name of the service that the server belongs to
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_destination_service |
Default | - |
Context | server, location |
Mixer attribute | destination.uid |
Standard mixer attribute Platform-specific unique identifier for the server instance of the destination service.
- | - |
Syntax | mixer_destination_labels |
Default | - |
Context | server |
Mixer attribute | destination.labels |
Standard mixer attribute A map of key-value pairs attached to the server instance.
- Clone the git repository
shell> git clone [email protected]:nginmesh/ngx-istio-mixer.git
- Build the dynamic module
shell> make build-base;make build-module
This copies the generated .so file into module/release directory
make test-unit