Tested and debugged. Will consider it a beta-software from now on. Using it in the wild on the github.io-todomvc-demo of this repo.
Base Classes for all ng-harmony-modules. Ng-Harmony is a collection of modules that allow for unique Angular-Codestyle, eg. Classes in Angular 1
import { Controller, Service } from "ng-harmony/ng-harmony";
import { SomeUtilityClass, OtherUtilityClass} from "my-org/my-repo";
We can mixin some of our own class-methods via mixin
class ListController extends Controller.mixin(SomeUtilityClass, OtherUtilityClass) {
Be sure to call the super constructor before you do your important stuff. The super-constructor does initialization like creating the dependency injected accessors/member vars and bind $-prefixed methods to this.$scope
constructor (...args) {
this.dataInterval = this.$interval(this.input, 1000);
input () {
if (this.MyListService.status === true) {
this.$scope.data = this.MyListService.data;
If you want your method to be exposed in $scope, you need to prefix the method-name with $
$href (n) {
Dependency Injection works via a static setter ... You can pass a single dependency as a string, or multiple as an Array of strings.
ListController.$inject = ["$location", "$interval", "MyListService"];
We need to register our class with angular. The passing in of a type with extending Controller is unnecessary/optional, since controller is unambiguous. It's different with Services, since there is angular.service
, angular.factory
ListController.$register = {
"myModule": {
type: "controller",
name: "ListController"
Now let's create our View/Template
li(ng-repeat="item in data")
a(ng-click="href($index)") {{item.name}}
Now let's create a small service to serve the list-api-data to whichever controller needs it
class MyListService extends Service {
constructor(...args) {
this.apiUrl = "/api/listItems";
fetch () {
$http.get(this.apiUrl).then(this.success, this.error);
success (response) {
this.data = response.data || [];
this.status = response.status;
error (response) {
this.status = response.status;
get status () {
return (this._status == "200");
set status (status) {
this._status = status;
MyListService.$register = {
"myModule": {
type: "service",
name: "MyListService"
- I wanted to code OOP with Angular
- I wanted to be able to reuse my classes as in creating whole libs
- I wanted a place that might become a community project
- I didn't want to wait on Angular 2
I recommend the usage of jspm. This way, just base your project upon jspm and start using this lib as in the code example above.
jspm i github:ng-harmony/ng-harmony
static $inject
: Dependency injection
static $register
: Register the class with a module
: Iterate with for .. of over { objs }
static iterate
: Iterate with for .. of over { objs }
static mixin
: mixin Utility classes
: access the Class-Name inside an instance
: manually trigger an angular digest-cycle
Drop me an email at johannes.neugschwentner at gmail dot com