Moonlight Theme is the most amazing Visual Studio Code theme. Please help by reporting issues here. Consider contributing to see the project grow.
Install the theme through the VS Code Marketplace.
Launch Quick Open:
Paste the following command and press Enter
ext install atomiks.moonlight
Make sure that you pick the one by atomiks as author.
Change to your .vscode/extensions
VS Code extensions directory.
Depending on your platform it is located in the following folders:
Clone the Material Theme repository as atomics.moonlight-vscode-theme
: atomics.moonlight-vscode-theme
Launch Quick Open:
Type theme
, choose Preferences: Color Theme
, and select one of the Moonlight Theme variants from the list. After activation, the theme will set the correct icon theme based on your active theme variant.
- Moonlight (regular and italics)
- Moonlight II (regular and italics)
Acknowledging the contributors [Contribute].