A simple script for mass virtual machine management in the cloud based on OpenStack software. It gives you the possibility of issuing the same console commands on multiple servers performing the same role. For example: www, daemon, database etc. The role must be included in the prefix name with an ordinal number. Authentication is possible through a login and password or SSH key.
(openstack)darkstar:agresor$ barachiel classic -h
usage: barachiel classic [-h] [-F FILE] [-p PROJECT] -i ID [-r min max]
[-c COMMAND] [-u local remote] [-s] [-f] [-P]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-F FILE, --file FILE Name of .cloudrc file.
-p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
OpenStack project ID.
-i ID, --id ID VM instance name. Use '_all' for all VMs.
-r min max, --range min max
Minimal & maximal instance range to use.
-c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
Command to run (default: uptime).
-u local remote, --upload local remote
Upload one or more files/dirs to a remote host.
-s, --sudo Run command with sudo.
-f, --failok Its OK if command will fail.
-P, --parallel Run commands in parallel mode.
(openstack)darkstar:agresor$ barachiel classic -i apache-www -c 'uptime'
Enter username: agresor
Enter password:
Detected machines:
VM name: apache-www1 :: status: ACTIVE
VM name: apache-www2 :: status: ACTIVE
Continue with these machines? [yes/no]: yes
[] Executing task 'command'
Hostname: apache-www1.web-servers.first-zone-01.lan
[] run: date
[] out: Thu Mar 10 21:11:02 CET 2016
[] out:
||| Done.
[] Executing task 'command'
Hostname: apache-www2.web-servers.first-zone-02.lan
[] run: date
[] out: Thu Mar 10 21:11:04 CET 2016
[] out:
||| Done.