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Track MercariJP Listings and Send Email Alerts for New Listings

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Mercari Watches

Receive email and browser notifications when new items on match your keywords!

Getting Started

  1. Create a directory for Mercari Watches.
mkdir mercariwatches
cd mercariwatches
mkdir data
  1. Download docker-compose.yml and the example config.json:
wget -O docker-compose.yml
wget -O data/config.json
  1. Populate the config.json file following the configuration guide.

  2. Start the container

docker compose up -d
  1. Begin using the application following the usage guide.


Mercari Watches uses two JSON files for configuration and user data management.

  • config.json - For application configuration (e.g. API keys, email auth)
  • watches.json - For persisting user data (e.g. search terms, subscriptions)

watches.json is automatically generated and managed by the application. Ideally you'd only interact with this file when migrating systems, backing up/restoring data or for development. This file can be edited safely on fly; however, this is discouraged. The file is created and found in the same directory as config.json.

config.json must be created and managed by you. Whilst the file itself (and every parameter therein) is technically optional, a correct configuration file is mandatory in order to secure API endpoints, send email notifications, and create browser notifications. The config.json should be located at the [appDir]/data/config.json directoy, and within it you can configure the following options:

config.json options

  • verboseLogging - If non-warning system logs should be printed (true) or not (false). If unspecified, verboseLogging will be enabled by default.
  • apiCredentials - Authorization credentials to secure API access. If unspecified, the applications's API will be unsecured and public.
    • user - API access username.
    • pass - API access password.
  • emailNotificationConfig - Configuration for email notifications (SMTP Transport). If unspecified, email notifications will be disabled.
    • host - Connection hostname. (e.g.
    • port - Connection port (e.g. 25).
    • secure - If the connection should use SSL (true) or not (false).
    • mailFrom - Sender for emails.
    • auth - Access credentials for the connection.
      • user - Connection username.
      • pass - Connection password.
  • browserNotificationConfig - Configuration for browser notifications (webpush). If unspecified, browser notifications will be disabled.
    • mailTo - The contact for the push service.
    • vapidKeys - VAPID specification credentials.
      • publicKey - VAPID public key.
      • privateKey - VAPID private key.
  • requestFrequencyMS - How often the application checks for new items. If unspecified, the default is 90000.
  • requestDelayMS - The delay between each individual request to Mercari. If unspecified, the default is 1000.
  • requestPages - How many pages should be considered per request. If unspecified, the default is 3.
  • maxLinksPerEmail - The maximum number of new items reported per email. If unspecified, the default is 30.

If any of the configuration parameters are incorrect, or if the file is unreadable/not found, the application will issue a console.warn() with a relevant warning.

Please see the example-config.json to understand the complete format.


On application start, Mercari Watches will automatically check for new items every [requestFrequencyMS] without any additional input from the user; however, it will only do so if it's provided search terms to query for in the watches.json.

To provide data to watches.json the application exposes a variety of APIs, all of which are useable from Swagger. Swagger can be accessed at following URL:


Note: When the apiCredentails is configured in config.json, all API requests will need to be authenticated using Basic authentication. This will be handled automatically when using the Swagger.

Endpoint Method Description Notes
/getWatches GET Returns the entirety of the watches.json file.
/createWatch POST Adds a new watch entry in the watches.json file with no search keywords or subscriptions for the given email.
/addKeywordToWatch PUT Adds a new search keyword to the given email.
/removeKeywordFromWatch PUT Removes a search keyword from the given email.
/setKeywordsOfWatch PUT Replaces all of the search keywords for the given email with a new list of search keywords.
/removeWatch DELETE Removes any watch entries from the watches.json file matching the given email.
/resetWatches DELETE Removes all data from the watches.json file and resets the file to its intial state.
/subscribe POST Directs all browser notifications for the given email to current the user. Must be handled in-browser.
/unsubscribe PUT Removes all browser notifications for the given email.

The Steps to use Mercari Watches.

  1. Navigate to the Swagger.
  2. Use /createWatch to add an email to watches.json.
  3. Use /addKeywordToWatch or /setKeywordsOfWatch to add search keywords to the email.
  4. Mercari Watches will now "watch" those keywords for new items.
  5. Use /subscribe to recieve all browser notifications for the email.
  6. Once a new item is found, the email will recieve a message with links to the item and a browser notification will sent be sent to whomever is subscribed.
  7. Use /removeWatch to remove an email from watches.json or /removeKeywordFromWatch to remove a search keyword.

A Note on API Rate Limiting

While Mercari has loose API Rate limiting restrictions, there still exists measures to temporarily block all requests from an IP if too many are made in a short period of time. To prevent this from happening, adjust your configuration accordingly. If you're unsure which settings to use or how to configure them, use 90000 for requestFrequencyMS and 1000 for requestDelayMS. This will provide a long enough delay between bursts of requests to stop Mercari's API Rate limiting from kicking in.



$ npm install

Running the app:

# build
$ npm run start

# development
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Swagger URL:



Track MercariJP Listings and Send Email Alerts for New Listings






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