Find all related resources linked to the current displayed item.
Related resources and displayed item can come from multiple providers:
- Files,
- Deck,
- Talk,
- Calendar.
Based on the currently displayed item from one of the available providers, the app:
- gets all entities that specific item is shared to,
- gets all resources from each provider shared to each entity,
- filters results based on current user access rights,
- weights each related resource using different rules:
- in case of duplicated entry, only one will be kept and have its score improved,
- compare keywords with the one from the displayed item to improve score,
- improve score on shares generated in the same period of time,
- compare the owner of the shares
- apply a diminishing return on the score improvement for each entry in case of duplicate improvement
- decrease score for not-related shares
- decrease score for old shares
$ make
The app will be available in build/artifacts/
The front-end will use this endpoint to get related resources for an item:
can befiles
will be the unique Id to the current displayed item
curl "<providerId>/<itemId>?format=json" -u 'user:password' -H "OCS-ApiRequest: true" -H "Accept: application/json"
A. OCC command is available to get related resources from the terminal. The command will returns 2 tables displaying:
- all shares' recipients to an item
- list of related resources to the item
$ ./occ related:test <userId> <providerId> <itemId>
| Single Id | User Type | User Id | Source |
| D2k2QudMQcwRl6s6Jv5XOviWGGmPnhQ | 16 | Test 001 | 16 |
| PSAM2DI1GwmyDydJSKdQxsaGPaNlVDD | 1 | test4 | 1 |
| v3RpXpyExROScJAEZvJLyHRt7Jsfk9J | 1 | test5 | 1 |
| IJCtfbJgIIMP96spf77lHPvLbWu6MZu | 1 | test6 | 1 |
| Provider Id | Item Id | Title | Description | Score | Link |
| files | 207 | /Test 001 | Files | 3.528 | /index.php/f/207 |
| files | 16 | /Templates | Files | 1.1 | /index.php/f/16 |
| deck | 3 | ouila | Deck board | 1 | http://nc24.local/index.php/apps/deck/#/board/3 |
| talk | ad3jjo1 | Test Convo 001 | Talk Room | 1 | http://nc24.local/index.php/call/amn2iar4 |
- set the maximum number of result to be returned by the ocs endpoint
./occ config:app:set related_resources result_max --value 7