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New Relic Unix Monitor

System-Level Monitoring for AIX, HP-UX, Linux, OSX/MacOS & Solaris/SunOS

TL;DR - where's the download link?

Here. If you are just deploying and not compiling it, please download the release instead of cloning the repo.

Table Of Contents


New Relic has Open Sourced this integration to enable monitoring of this technology. This integration is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR SUPPORT, although you can report issues and contribute to this integration via GitHub.


We'd love to get your contributions to improve the Unix Monitor! Keep in mind when you submit your pull request, you'll need to sign the CLA via the click-through using CLA-Assistant. If you'd like to execute our corporate CLA, or if you have any questions, please drop us an email at [email protected].


  • A New Relic account.
  • A Unix server that you want to monitor
  • Java JRE/JDK v1.8 or later
  • Network access to New Relic (proxies are supported, see details below)

OSes with Available Configurations

  • AIX 7.x
  • HP-UX 11.x
  • Linux - All sorts, including on ARM processors (such as Raspberry Pi) and z/Linux
  • OSX / MacOS 10.9 ('Mavericks') and above
  • Solaris/SunOS 10.x and 11.x



  1. Download the latest version of the Unix Monitor here.
  2. Copy, gunzip & untar the latest release onto the Unix server that you want to monitor
  3. Set account ID, keys and other settings in config/plugin.json
  4. OPTIONAL: Configure to have the correct paths to Java and your plugin location
    • Set PLUGIN_JAVA to the location of Java on your server (including the "java" filename)
    • Set PLUGIN_PATH to the location of the Unix Plugin
  5. Run ./ start from command-line
  6. Check logs (in logs directory by default) for errors
  7. Login to New Relic UI and find your data in Insights
    • In the data explorer, look for custom event types that start with "unixMonitor:"
    • Possible event types (for out-of-the-box commands): unixMonitor:Disk, unixMonitor:DiskIO, unixMonitor:NetworkIO, unixMonitor:Process, unixMonitor:Stats, unixMonitor:Vmstat
  8. If you don't yet have the Unix Monitor dashboards in your account, use the Quickstarts NR1app to deploy them

plugin.json configuration

Note: A full example of the possible fields in plugin.json can be found in plugin-full-example.json

Global Settings

  • OS (default: auto): Determines which commands to run and how to parse them. Leave set to auto to let the plugin figure it out, which usually works.

  • account_id: Your New Relic account ID, a 6- or 7-digit number found in the URL when you're logged into the account.

  • fedramp: A true or false string indicating whether the target is the New Relic FedRAMP-authorized endpoint.

  • insights_insert_key (under insights): Create an Insights Insert key as described here.

    OR (From version 1.0.3 and above)

  • insights_insert_key_obfuscated: Refer to the section on credential obfuscation to use the obfuscated Ingest key in your configuration. You must set the environment variable NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_OBSCURING_KEY for this configuration to work.

  • insights_data_center (under insights, default: us): If using the NR EU data center for your account, please change this to eu or EU. Otherwise, you can leave this alone or omit this setting entirely. {#eu-data-center}

Agent settings

These settings are found in the agents object.

  • name: If set to auto, the plugin will use that server's hostname. Otherwise, sets the hostname and agentName to whatever is set here.
  • static (optional): An object containing static attributes (as name-value pairs) you want to appear in every event from this plugin. For example:
  "agents": [
      "name": "auto",
      "static": {
        "data_center": "Philadelphia",
        "customer": "Eagles",
        "rank": 1

Proxy settings

If using a proxy, the optional proxy object should be added to the global object in plugin.json, if its not there already.

  • The available attributes are: proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_username and proxy_password.
  • The only attribute that is required in the proxy object is proxy_host.
Credential Obfuscation

For additional security, this integration supports the using obfuscated values for any attribute**, by appending _obfuscated to the attribute name and providing an obfuscated value that was produced by the New Relic CLI.

  1. Prerequesite: New Relic CLI is installed on any supported platform.

    • NOTE: It does NOT need to be installed on the same host as the Unix Monitor. It is only used to generate the obfuscated keys, this integration handles deobfuscation independently.
  2. Generate your obfuscated credentials using the following CLI command:

newrelic agent config obfuscate --key "OBSCURING_KEY" --value "CLEAR_TEXT_PROXY_PASSWORD"

In this command, OBSCURING_KEY can be any value you want. You can even point it at an existing environment variable. Examples:

newrelic agent config obfuscate --key "IUsedS0methingRand0m!" --value "proxyPassword2020!"
newrelic agent config obfuscate --key ${NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_OBSCURING_KEY} --value ${OUR_PROXY_PASSWORD}
  1. In the proxy object in plugin.json, populate the proxy_username_obfuscated and proxy_password_obfuscated attributes with the values returned by the CLI.

  2. In, uncomment the NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_OBSCURING_KEY variable, and set it to the same value or envrionment variable as you used in step 2 for OBSCURING_KEY.

**Applies to attributes like insights_insert_key, proxy_username, proxy_password and any other attributes under the parent attribute 'agents'.


Unix Monitor Dashboards are now installed using the Quickstarts app.

  1. If you don't already have the Quickstarts app installed, visit this page to learn how.
  2. Once it is installed, open it up in the NR1 UI ("Quickstarts" under the "Apps" menu in the top bar)
  3. In Quickstarts, find the "Unix Monitor" dashboards and open them.
  4. Click "Import", which will bring up a dialog to guide you through deployment to a specific account.

Other configurations

Fix for using the WebSphere JDK

If you are using the JDK that is packaged with WebSphere and see an exception in the logs like below, it is due to attempting to use the WebSphere SSL Factory instead of the IBM JSSE packages.

ERROR com.newrelic.metrics.publish.binding.Request - An error occurred communicating with the New Relic service java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find the specified class

If so, uncomment the following line in and restart the plugin.


Fix for using Solaris 10

If you see the following error, it may be because the Bourne shell does not support certain syntax in the installer script. syntax error at line 240: `admin_api_key=$' unexpected

If so, use the Korn shell or Bash (if available). Both were tested successfully in Solaris 10.

Debug Mode

If you are trying to customize the commands that the Unix Monitor is running, or you are not seeing any or all of the data you expect to see, you can put the agent into 'Debug Mode', in which it outputs to the logs all of the commands being run and it's attempts at parsing them.

Note: You will need to restart the Unix Monitor to pick up these changes.

Enabling Debug Mode

This can be enabled EITHER by:

  • Running with the debug at the end to start, like so: ./ start debug or ./ restart debug OR
  • Replacing config/logback.xml with config/logback-debug.xml and restarting the Unix monitor (if using this method, remember to swap the files back when finished)

Release Notes

Date: 09-May-2023 Version: 1.0.2

The release 1.0.2 is a minor release with updated library for httpclient. This update addresses the CVE-2020-13956.

Date: 13-Jan-2023 Version: 1.0.1

The release 1.0.1 is a major release with multiple fixes and enhancements for Solaris 11.x platform, and this release has been certified on Oracle Solaris 11.4. Please refer the user guide for further details.