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LomaxRx edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 11 revisions

newamerica-cms is Django / Wagtail based CMS that relies heavily on React/Redux for dynamic front-end pages.



  • Heroku
  • AWS
    • Route53
    • S3 buckets
    • Cloudfront

Read the infrastructure docs | Read how to deploy


  • Python
    • Weasyprint (for PDF generation)
    • python-docx (for Word doc parsing / importing)
    • Celery (for generating/importing in the background)
    • createsend (integration with campaign monitor)
  • Django
  • Wagtail CMS
  • Django Rest Framework
  • postgresql
  • redis

Review the Django/Wagtail Models | Review the API Specs | Read the Petey F docs | See where the bodies are buried



  • Django templates
  • React
  • Redux
  • React-Router
  • store.js (for client-side caching)
  • webpack

Read the frontend docs | See where the bodies are buried