How to run integration tests locally?
- Create kind cluster:
kind create cluster --config cluster-config.yaml --wait 120s
- Run tests
export CLUSTER_CIDR="" # for monolith suite
go test -count 1 -timeout 2h30m -race -v ./tests_single
- Create kind cluster:
kind create cluster --config cluster-config-calico.yaml
- Apply calico:
kubectl create -f
kubectl create -f
kubectl apply -k calico
- Wait for a calico-vpp rollout:
kubectl rollout status -n calico-vpp-dataplane ds/calico-vpp-node --timeout=5m
- Run tests:
go test -count 1 -timeout 1h30m -race -v \
./tests_single/basic_test.go \
./tests_single/heal_test.go \
./tests_single/memory_test.go \
./tests_single/observability_test.go \
./tests_single/feature_test.go \
- Create 3 kind clusters:
kind create cluster --name kind-1 --config cluster-config-interdomain.yaml --wait 120s
kind create cluster --name kind-2 --config cluster-config-interdomain.yaml --wait 120s
kind create cluster --name kind-3 --config cluster-config-interdomain.yaml --wait 120s
- Save kubeconfig of each cluster(you may choose appropriate location)
kind get kubeconfig --name kind-1 > /tmp/config1
kind get kubeconfig --name kind-2 > /tmp/config2
kind get kubeconfig --name kind-3 > /tmp/config3
- Run interdomain tests with necessary environment variables set
export KUBECONFIG1=/tmp/config1
export KUBECONFIG2=/tmp/config2
export KUBECONFIG3=/tmp/config3
export CLUSTER1_CIDR=""
export CLUSTER2_CIDR=""
export CLUSTER3_CIDR=""
go test -count 1 -timeout 1h -race -v ./tests_interdomain