These instructions have been tested under Debian GNU/Linux 10.
These are the php mysql funcions and the equivalent in pgsql.
MySQL | PostgreSQL |
mysqli_real_escape_string |
pg_escape_string |
mysqli_connect |
pg_connect |
mysqli_select_db |
pg_dbname |
mysqli_set_charset |
pg_set_client_encoding |
mysqli_error |
pg_last_error |
mysqli_close |
pg_close |
mysqli_query |
pg_query |
mysqli_multi_query |
pg_send_query |
mysqli_insert_id |
pg_query("SELECT lastval();") |
mysqli_fetch_assoc |
pg_fetch_assoc |
mysqli_num_rows |
pg_num_rows |
mysqli_free_result |
pg_free_result |
There are many way to replace these ocurrences in .php files, I usually use:
I use rpl
for simple replacements over sed
, and find + sed
for processing in batch.
I use PostgreSQL 11, then as root user:
# su - postgres
$ psql --cluster 11/main
CREATE ROLE pgbs_user;
CREATE DATABASE pgbs_db WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = pgbs_user;
ALTER USER pgbs_user WITH PASSWORD '<your_password>';
If you are creating a database from scratch you would be better running the script: pgbs_db_data-2021-01-25.sql
(located under the database_schema/pgsql directory) on the above database since that will create everything to get up and running.
In case you want to migrate a MySQL database, here are the steps:
First make sure that you can access mysql and postgresql database from command line, like so:
$ mysql -h <mysql_host> -u <mysql_user> <mysql_db> -p
$ psql -h <pgsql_host> -p <pgsql_port> -U <pgsql_user> <pgsql_db>
In order to migrate the data I use pgloader, you have to create a configuration file with your setup:
$ cat > pgbs.pgloader << 'EOF'
FROM mysql://<mysql_user>:<myuser_pass>@<mysql_host>:<mysql_port>/<mysql_db>
INTO postgresql://<pgsql_user:<pguser_pass>@<pgsql_port:<pgsql_port>/<pgsql_db>
Then run the pgloader and it will output something like this:
$ pgloader pgbs.pgloader
2021-01-25T21:08:55.027000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.1"
2021-01-25T21:08:55.229000Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://****@****:****/**** {****}>
2021-01-25T21:08:55.230000Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://****@****:****/**** {****}>
2021-01-25T21:09:04.881000Z LOG report summary reset
table name errors rows bytes total time
--------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
fetch meta data 0 262 0.127s
Create Schemas 0 0 0.004s
Create SQL Types 0 0 0.009s
Create tables 0 114 1.750s
Set Table OIDs 0 57 0.014s
--------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
bookedscheduler.accessories 0 3 0.1 kB 0.149s
bookedscheduler.account_activation 0 0 0.089s
bookedscheduler.announcements 0 0 0.170s
bookedscheduler.announcement_resources 0 0 0.258s
bookedscheduler.blackout_series 0 0 0.277s
bookedscheduler.credit_log 0 1 0.1 kB 0.385s
bookedscheduler.custom_attribute_entities 0 0 0.362s
bookedscheduler.custom_time_blocks 0 0 0.473s
bookedscheduler.groups 0 4 0.1 kB 0.586s
bookedscheduler.group_roles 0 3 0.0 kB 0.645s
bookedscheduler.payment_configuration 0 1 0.0 kB 0.736s
bookedscheduler.payment_transaction_log 0 0 0.725s
bookedscheduler.quotas 0 1 0.1 kB 1.005s
bookedscheduler.reminders 0 0 0.820s
bookedscheduler.reservation_color_rules 0 0 0.906s
bookedscheduler.reservation_guests 0 0 0.988s
bookedscheduler.reservation_reminders 0 2 0.0 kB 1.092s
bookedscheduler.reservation_series 0 5 0.3 kB 1.104s
bookedscheduler.reservation_types 0 2 0.0 kB 1.283s
bookedscheduler.reservation_waitlist_requests 0 0 1.185s
bookedscheduler.resource_accessories 0 0 1.305s
bookedscheduler.resource_group_assignment 0 0 1.363s
bookedscheduler.resource_status_reasons 0 0 1.410s
bookedscheduler.resource_type_assignment 0 0 1.448s
bookedscheduler.saved_reports 0 0 1.490s
bookedscheduler.terms_of_service 0 0 1.525s
bookedscheduler.users 0 4 0.9 kB 1.672s
bookedscheduler.user_groups 0 1 0.0 kB 1.697s
bookedscheduler.user_resource_permissions 0 8 0.1 kB 1.783s
bookedscheduler.user_statuses 0 3 0.0 kB 1.796s
bookedscheduler.announcement_groups 0 0 0.003s
bookedscheduler.blackout_instances 0 0 0.003s
bookedscheduler.blackout_series_resources 0 0 0.086s
bookedscheduler.custom_attributes 0 5 0.2 kB 0.188s
bookedscheduler.custom_attribute_values 0 10 0.1 kB 0.224s
bookedscheduler.dbversion 0 8 0.2 kB 0.289s
bookedscheduler.group_resource_permissions 0 0 0.321s
bookedscheduler.layouts 0 1 0.0 kB 0.504s
bookedscheduler.payment_gateway_settings 0 0 0.403s
bookedscheduler.peak_times 0 1 0.0 kB 0.514s
bookedscheduler.refund_transaction_log 0 0 0.584s
bookedscheduler.reservation_accessories 0 2 0.0 kB 0.670s
bookedscheduler.reservation_files 0 0 0.672s
bookedscheduler.reservation_instances 0 5 0.4 kB 0.856s
bookedscheduler.reservation_resources 0 6 0.0 kB 0.853s
bookedscheduler.reservation_statuses 0 3 0.0 kB 0.945s
bookedscheduler.reservation_users 0 5 0.0 kB 0.956s
bookedscheduler.resources 0 2 0.3 kB 1.238s
bookedscheduler.resource_groups 0 0 1.034s
bookedscheduler.resource_images 0 0 1.158s
bookedscheduler.resource_types 0 0 1.260s
bookedscheduler.roles 0 4 0.1 kB 1.374s
bookedscheduler.schedules 0 1 0.1 kB 1.432s
bookedscheduler.time_blocks 0 18 0.6 kB 1.551s
bookedscheduler.user_email_preferences 0 0 1.506s
bookedscheduler.user_preferences 0 3 0.1 kB 1.621s
bookedscheduler.user_session 0 0 1.630s
--------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
COPY Threads Completion 0 4 1.848s
Create Indexes 0 144 24.086s
Index Build Completion 0 144 4.674s
Reset Sequences 0 36 0.271s
Primary Keys 0 56 0.138s
Create Foreign Keys 0 61 0.267s
Create Triggers 0 2 0.008s
Set Search Path 0 1 0.003s
Install Comments 0 0 0.000s
--------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
Total import time ✓ 112 3.9 kB 31.295s
If you have loaded a MySQL database into PostgreSQL, you have to run the compatibility.sql script. That script will turn some tinyint(1)
(booleans as managed by MySQL) into PostgreSQL true booleans, and since previous BookedScheduler uses some MySQL functions we must program and add them using PostgreSQL Procedural Language.
In case you are intererested, sooner after I loaded the MySQL database I had to do some revese engineering in order to understand the Entity-Relationship diagram, for that purpose I used pgmodeler.
In the folder pgmodeler you will find a file with the model and also a model picture.
Under Debian GNU/Linux install using: apt-get install nginx-full
If you download all the sources under /var/www/PGBookedScheduler/
then the following is all you need to enable the directory under nginx:
location /PGBookedScheduler/Web {
root /var/www;
index index.php index.html;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
location ~ "^/PGBookedScheduler/Web/.*\.php$" {
root /var/www;
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
# With php-fpm (or other unix sockets):
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/pgbs-fpm.sock;
Test the configuration with nginx -t
and if everything is ok then service nginx reload
Under Debian GNU/Linux install using: apt-get install php7.3-fpm php7.3 php7.3-*
Then create the configurtion file for this program and adjust it to your environment.
$ cat > /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/pgbs.conf << 'EOF'
user = www-data
group = www-data
listen = /run/php/pgbs-fpm.sock
listen.owner = www-data = www-data
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 5
pm.start_servers = 2
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 3
pm.max_requests = 500
access.log = /var/log/fpm/$pool-access.log
slowlog = /var/log/fpm/$pool-slow.log
php_flag[display_errors] = off
php_value[error_log] = /var/log/fpm/$pool-php.log
php_flag[log_errors] = on
php_value[date.timezone] = "America/Bogota"
Then restart the php-fpm process: service php7.3-fpm restart
If this is the first time installing PGBookedScheduler then I suggest you to enable log4php
by copying log4php.config.dist.xml
to log4php.config.xml
under the config
Now create your config/config.php
using a database type of pgsql
and according to your script url then point your browser to something like http://localhost/PGBookedScheduler/Web
Test it with admin:password
or user:password
Have fun with PostgreSQL !!!
I offer tech support in case you need it. ( English and Spanish ).
You can contact me at nestor at tiendalinux dot com.