This is an Idris2 mode for vim which features interactive editing, syntax highlighting, indentation and optional syntax checking via Syntastic. If you need a REPL I recommend using Vimshell. It is mostly cloned from the original idris-mode. Unlike the Idris 1 mode, there is no need to have an Idris REPL running - it invokes Idris 2 directly.
If there is a .ipkg
file in any of the parent directories, the mode will
use that as the root of the source tree, and process any options declared
in it (for example, to load packages).
Not all of the commands work yet. Note that the keyboard shortcuts have
been updated since Idris 1 to be consistent with the Atom mode (e.g.
to add definition, rather than <LocalLeader>d
) although
the old shortcuts still work.
I recommend using Pathogen for installation. Simply clone
this repo into your ~/.vim/bundle
directory and you are ready to go.
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
Copy content into your ~/.vim
Be sure that the following lines are in your
syntax on
filetype on
filetype plugin indent on
Apart from syntax highlighting, indentation, and unicode character concealing, idris-vim offers some neat interactive editing features. For more information on how to use it, read this blog article by Edwin Brady on Interactive Idris editing with vim.
Idris2 mode for vim offers interactive editing capabilities, the following commands are supported.
reload file
show type
Create an initial clause for a type declaration.
case split
make case
add with clause
evaluate expression
make lemma
add missing clause
refine item
obvious proof search
proof search
open idris response window
show documentation
To configure indentation in idris-vim
you can use the following variables:
let g:idris_indent_if = 3
if bool >>>then ... >>>else ...
let g:idris_indent_case = 5
case xs of >>>>>[] => ... >>>>>(y::ys) => ...
let g:idris_indent_let = 4
let x = 0 in >>>>x
let g:idris_indent_where = 6
where f : Int -> Int >>>>>>f x = x
let g:idris_indent_do = 3
do x <- a >>>y <- b
let g:idris_indent_rewrite = 8
rewrite prf in expr >>>>>>>>x
Concealing with unicode characters is off by default, but let g:idris_conceal = 1
turns it on.
If you simply must use tab characters, and would prefer that the ftplugin not set expandtab add let g:idris_allow_tabchar = 1