This project has moved to:
Eucalyptus Cloud Services and General System Administrative Utilities
See READMEs and examples in subdirectories for additional information:
A 'c' compiler may need to be installed beforehand (for Paramiko/ssh dependencies): If pip/easy_install is not available in your environment use your package manager to install python-setuptools as well:
yum install python-setuptools gcc python-devel git libffi-devel openssl-devel readline-devel patch
apt-get install python-setuptools gcc python-dev git libffi-devel openssl-devel readline-devel
Installing using pip or easy_install:
pip install adminapi
- or -
easy_install adminapi
Installing from source: For development purposes you can then clone the code from github, make changes, re-install, etc..
git clone
cd adminapi
sudo python install
##### file_utils
File related helper utilities.
##### log_utils
Utilties intended to help with logging, such as; creating loggers with sane defaults,
formatting log output, helper methods and annotations for gathering debug, getting etc..
##### net_utils
Network related utilities. Modules for creating connections such as ssh, sftp, winrm, etc..
Utilities to help with network tests, gathering network information, etc..
##### system_utils
Utilties to help with end machine/systems. Modules to aid in standard Linux system
administrative tasks, etc..
##### cloud_admin:
Utility modules related to Cloud Account's and cloud user's access to a cloud.
Fetching/creating cloud credentials, Account, users, policies, etc..
Cloud backend modules. This may include backend modules for:
- Block storage modules for the backing HW or SW (ie SAN, DAS, Ceph, etc)
- Network modules (ie: Network HW, SDN component interfaces, etc. )
- Hypervisor modules (ie: vmware api, etc)
- Object Storage modules (ie: Riak, etc)
Host machine modules. Utilities for the machines which host cloud services.
This may include:
- Eucalyptus Host machine modules and service specific machine helper modules. These will
be primarily for Linux machines which are hosting the Eucalyptus services.
- Utlities to manage the host machines.
Eucalyptus specific modules. Utilities to handle cloud services requests, and responses.
This may include:
- Eucalyptus Administrative Services
- Eucalyptus Administrative Properties
- Eucalyptus Administrative API
Eucalyptus Cloud topology utilities.
This may include:
- Utilities to help manage, monitor, debug a given topology.
- Utilities to help deploy, configure, etc..
- Utilities to help discovery, and create representations of a given topology
in code and in different text or graphical formats.