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11 Localization

redhook edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 9 revisions

Localizing adfsmfa

Currently, adfsfma supports 11 languages, English (default), French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Romanian, Russian, Danish and Japanese for the Web part, management console and PowerShell.

ADFS is an identification platform, so code must be as reliable as possible. Rely on external resources not mastered is not recommended.

We want to be able to integrate the interface elements into resources
compiled into signed statellite assemblies,
in order to avoid any custom code insertion in the pages. changing the labels is not a problem,
but injecting javascript into resources is also possible.

We therefore encourage you to collaborate and send us your translations, which we will integrate without problems.

BuiltIn Languages

List of Languages Integration in adfsmfa.

Not supported languages where translated with "Microsoft Cognitives Services" translator (so, it's not perfect ! )

Country Culture LCID Support
English en 9 Supported
English - US en-US 1033 Supported
English - GB en-GB 2057 Supported
French fr 12 Supported
French - France fr-FR 1036 Supported
French - Canada fr-CA 3084 Supported
Italian it 1040 Pull Requests/Supported
Spanish es 10 Pull Requests only
Spanish - Spain es-ES 3082 Pull Requests only
Spanish - Traditional es-ES 1034 Pull Requests only
Spanish - Mexico es-MX 2058 Pull Requests only
German de 7 Pull Requests/Supported
German - Germany de-DE 1031 Pull Requests/Supported
German - Austria de-AT 3079 Pull Requests/Supported
German - Switzerland de-CH 2055 Pull Requests/Supported
Dutch nl 1043 Pull Requests only
Portuguese pt 22 Pull Requests only
Portuguese - Portugal pt-PT 2070 Pull Requests only
Portuguese - Brazil pt-BR 1046 Pull Requests only
Swedish sv 1053 Pull Requests only
Romanian ro 1048 Pull Requests only
Polish pl 1045 Pull Requests/Supported
Ukrainian uk 1058 Pull Requests/Supported
Russian ru 1049 Pull Requests/Supported
Danish da 6 Pull Requests only
Danish - Danemark da-DK 1030 Pull Requests only
Japanese ja 1041 Pull Requests/Supported
All Others ADFS languages Not Provided at this time, Pull Request only

ADFS Supported LCID

List of Languages supported by ADFS

LCID Country Status LCID Country Status
1025 ar 1026 bg
5146 bs 1029 cs
1030 da * 1031 de **
1032 el 2057 en-GB **
1033 en-US ** 1034 es *
2058 es-MX * 1061 et
1035 fi 3084 fr-CA **
1036 fr-FR ** 1037 he
1050 hr 1038 hu
1040 it ** 1041 ja **
1042 ko 1063 lt
1062 lv 1043 nl *
1044 no 1045 pl **
2070 pt * 1046 pt-BR *
1048 ro * 1049 ru **
1051 sk 1060 sl
2074 sr-Latn-RS 1053 sv *
1054 th 1055 tr
1058 uk * 4100 zh-HANS
1028 zh-HANT

(**) Supported languages

(*) Pull Requests only

Making your own translations

However, if you want to test changes or new languages without having to recompile the project, you can do it by providing translated resources (interface elements and mail templates). Please follow the following.

Localizing MFA Web parts For security reasons, and to avoid unsafe code execution. The translation of the resources must be done by recompiling the code of the adfsmfa solution with Visual Studio and signing the code with your own key.

Remember that this is an open-source project. If you think you have a better translation and that it can be shared with everyone. you must post a pull-request at If these proposals are integrated, they will be maintained in the future.

You can also offer translations for unsupported languages by sending a Pull Request with modified resources files.

If you do not want or can not recompile the solution, we'll give you a simpler alternative that does not require software development skills. We think that this is not the best solution, but it can allow you to precisely test the interface you want to offer. Later, you will need to be able to upgrade your translations or to propose them to the community in order to integrate your work into the project.

Editing resource-based translations is only available for the Web Interface part. The console and PowerShell do not allow resource-based translation.

How to do ?

  • 1- Retrieve the complete code of the solution (version 2.3 or upper)

  • 2- unpack the source code on your workstation (no development tool required).

  • 3- On your adfs server move to C:\Program Files\MFA\ResourceSet

  • 4- Copy ResGen.exe on your Workstation

  • 5- On Workstation

  • 6- Move to the directory ..\Manage_Resources

  • 7- Paste the Resgen.exe

  • 8- Execute: 0-import_resources.cmd

  • 9- Execute: 1-edit_resources.cmd

  • 10- Move to the directory .. \Manage_Resources\Sources

  • 11- With a text editor of your choice (Notepad, TextPad, VS, but not MSWord) modify the labels present in the different .resx files.

  • 12- Execute: 2-Build_resources.cmd (ES or FR or Other) you can add more languages if you want

  • 13- Get the .resources files corresponding to the .resx files you have modified

  • 14- Copy the .resources files on the different ADFS servers in C:\Program Files\MFA\ResourceSet

  • 15- Restart the ADFS services (net stop adfssrv and net start adfssrv)

  • 16- Done!

Removing unwanted and experimental translations

As mentioned above, many translations are performed automatically by Azure Cognitive Service. This level of translation is far from perfect. If you want to remove a language for the UI and PS part, and switch to English by default, you can delete the satellite resource assemblies of the language concerned on your servers.

In C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.resources\ ** Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Common.resources\ ** Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Administration.resources\ ** Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Samples.resources\ ** Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.WebAuthN.Provider.resources\ **

In C:\Program Files\MFA the concerned sub-directory. In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Cmdlets the concerned sub-directory.

We still insist on having courageous contributors who can provide us with PRs containing the best translations.

Replacing default emails templates

You must provide an html file as an email template

For mail templates you must provide some properties

  • LCID for localization (1033, 1034, 1036, 3082, and more, watch for supported LCIDs)
  • FileName path to html file
  • Enabled Is the template active
$c = Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType Email
$c.MailOTP.AddTemplate(1033, "c:\yourpath\yourtemplate.html", $True)
Set-MFAProvider -ProviderType Email $c

Cloning default emails templates

You can clone all email templates in Program Files\MFA\MailTemplates\LCID for a specific Language/LCID.

Export-MFAMailTemplates -LCID 1033
Export-MFAMailTemplates -LCID 7  # All German languages

And modify these files according your needs.

Your html files must contains placeholders


  • {0} Company (string)
  • {1} User Name (string)
  • {2} Mail address (string)
  • {3} Phone number (string)
  • {4} Preferred MFA method (code, mail, sms) (string)

Secure Key Mail

  • {0} Company (string)

  • {1} User Name (string)

  • {2} Security Key (string)

  • {3} QR Code (graphic) // Something like that in your HTML file

<img id="qr" src="cid:{3}"/>

Inscription Mail

  • {0} Company (string)
  • {1} User Name (string)
  • {2} Mail address (string)
  • {3} Phone number (string)
  • {4} Preferred MFA method (code, mail, sms) (string)

Notification Mail

  • {0} User Name (string)
  • {1} Company (string)