We need to know, how much BPF instructions will be used for every operation on elliptic curves. We can't to know it directly, but we can compare the time needed for these operations and time, needed for Keccak hash for the same data. These benchmarks allow us to approximately define the amount of data in bytes for ellicptic curves operations and Keccak hash and compare result times.
Operation | like Keccak Hash of |
Addition | ~400 bytes |
Multiplication | ~12'000 bytes |
Pairing | ~140'000 bytes |
Operation | Rounds | Size | Pure K-ratio | K-ratio |
Operation | Rounds | Size | Pure K-ratio | K-ratio |
Operation | Rounds | Size | Pure K-ratio | K-ratio |
Starting 1000 rounds of ALL benchmarks on the random data of 256 bytes:
alt-bn128-bench --count 1000 --size 256
Same as above, but in short notaion:
alt-bn128-bench -c 1000 -s 256
Start only specific benchmark with default values:
# Start Addition benchmark
alt-bn128-bench add
# Start Multiplication benchmark
alt-bn128-bench mul
# Start Pairing benchmark
alt-bn128-bench pair
Starting 1000 rounds of Addition benchmark on the random data of 256 bytes:
alt-bn128-bench --count 1000 --size 256 add
CLI arg | Short | Req | Type | Default | Example | Description |
--count |
-c |
No | usize |
10000 | -c 500 |
Number of rounds |
--size |
-s |
No | usize |
10000 | -s 256 |
Size of random input buffer in bytes |
add / mul / pair |
No | Bench |
- | add |
We can specify the benchmarks to execute. If field is not set, all benchmarks will be processed. |
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).