Accelerating and Optimizing SpringBoot Applications with GraalVM Universal Virtual Machine
A Workshop for Spring Boot lovers that will introduce & demonstrate some of the coolest things you can do with GraalVM. The workshop is divided into a number of sub-pages, each largely self-contained, that cover one aspect of GraalVM Native Image. Some of these workshops are equally applicable to the Community Edition & the Enterprise Edition, but some focus on functionality that is only available within the Enterprise Edition, such as Profile Guided Optimisations.
This workshop relies a couple of materials from the following repositories. Thanks for your work and Open source engagement.
This labs is build with the following components
- GraalVM latest version is 21.3.0
- Java 11
- Gradle 4+ or Maven 3.2+
The instructions to install GraalVM can be found online here.
- What is Native Image?
- Creating a simple Spring Boot application
- Compile a simple Spring Boot application with GraalVM Native Image
- Assisted configuration for GraalVM native image
- Profile guided optimizations for GraalVM native image
More Readings and Workshops