Blog detailing development can be found at:
twitter: @neiled
Random MapFOV/LightingMultiple LevelsExploringNPCs- Theme
CombatHealthItems/Weapons- Magic
Scoring should be done for particularly difficult things:
- New Dungeon level
- Beating your own score is classed as a win, not a loss.
- Diablo style +3 agility weapons.
- Varying on rarity
- Respawned monsters (if we have them) should not spawn anything other than normal weapons - no farming allowed.
- Some form of seeing your past deaths? Corpses of previous plays or something...
- Keep a diary of events, player can read through previous plays.
- Saving game
- Being able to go back to the surface
- Replaying game (Maybe two game modes, hero and adventure, hero = permadeath).
- Tourches on walls
- Start in town at beginning of the game
- Has shops selling things, will buy players things they found
- Has entrace to the dungeon
- Town scrolls will take player instantly back to town, but one way
- Levels do not refresh, they are perm
- Some artefacts can have origin set to a certain spot in the game so don't always have to teleport back to town, or can teleport back to that spot once returning to town.
- Player death returns to town?
- Tourches take up a hand spot if carried lit
- Find corpses or other adventurers
- Skills with cooldown periods (i.e. charge in a straight line until hit something, does damage, takes 100 turns to cooldown).