This Webpack Tutorial is written by ArialFallah.
Chinese Traditional by neighborhood999/WebpackTutorial
Webpack Tutorial 透過深入淺出的方式,一步一步教你如何使用 Webpack。
因為直接在 GitHub 上直接閱讀這個 tutorial 非常不方便,所以把它製作 gitbook 更方便的閱讀。
如果對於 Webpack Tutorial 任何翻譯內容上有任何問題或錯誤,歡迎發 Issue 或是 Pull Request 給我,Thanks!😉
Webpack Tutorial use simple way explain how to use and set Webpack.
Because on GitHub read this is not convenience, so I decide made this tutorial to gitbook for convenient.
$ git clone
$ npm install gitbook-cli -g
$ make install
$ make review
or $ make build
MIT © Peng Jie