HyperStackNet: A Hyper Stacked Hourglass Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Joint Player and Stick Pose Estimation in Hockey
This is the training pipeline used for:
H. Neher, K. Vats, A. Wong, D. A. Clausi, HyperStackNet: A Hyper Stacked Hourglass Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Joint Player and Stick Pose Estimation in Hockey, CRV, 2018.
To run this code, make sure the following are installed:
- Torch7
- hdf5
- cudnn
Download the full MPII Human Pose dataset, and place the images
directory in data/mpii
. From there, it is as simple as running th main.lua -expID test-run
(the experiment ID is arbitrary). To run on FLIC, again place the images in a directory data/flic/images
then call th main.lua -dataset flic -expID test-run
Most of the command line options are pretty self-explanatory, and can be found in src/opts.lua
. The -expID
option will be used to save important information in a directory like pose-hg-train/exp/mpii/test-run
. This directory will include snapshots of the trained model, training/validations logs with loss and accuracy information, and details of the options set for that particular experiment.
Code was modified from:
Alejandro Newell, Kaiyu Yang, and Jia Deng, Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation, arXiv:1603.06937, 2016.