- Many institutions and companies use resumes as a way of short-listing candidates in preliminary rounds.
- Going through every resume and short-listing is an arduous process and in many instances, it is prone to human errors.
- This project aims to automate this short-listing process by retrieval of relevant resumes to a given job description(JD).
- Resumes and Job descriptions are collected from indeed.com and linkedIn.
- Also job reviews are scraped from ambitionbox.com. Also data related to the selected candidates are available which is used for further analysis
- Django framework is used to build the user interface.
- BeautifulSoup in python is used for scrapping documents from websites.
- NLTk and Spacy libraries are use to process documents.
- PDFMiner.six is used to convert pdf to text.
The project is developed in 3 phases.
- Data collected from resumes and job sections of Naukri.com and linkedIn.
- Data Cleaning
- Dictionary and Posting list are created.
- Then each resume is vectorized.
- Building search engine.
- Query is Job description given by the company
- Similarity score is computed between job description and resumes.
- Finally, search engine will rank and display the suitable candidates.
- Scope for improvement: incorporating NLP techniques like NER into the above model and improving on ranking methods.
- With the help of indexing we build document vectors using tf-idf approach(both tf and idf normalized).
- We get a 570*3500 dimenstional matrix where 570 is the no of documents and 3500 is the dimension of each vector.
- Here query is of two types. We can either query documents based on keywords(eg: skillset,college,etc) or based on job description document.
- For the latter approach we have to upload JD do all the pre-processing (as in phase1) and then vectorize the query.
- We integrated it in django framework.
- For ranking initially cosine similarity is used to retrieve top N documents.
- List of selected candidates is available for cross verification. Also Binomial model was used to rank the documents.
- Both the ranking methods were evaluated using precision@R metric.
User interface:
- UI for querying is built with the help of django framework.
- Database for resume uploading is also created.
In phase 1 and phase 2 we build a basic search engine to retrieve the resumes which matches the JD. In Phase 3 we improved the model by working on 3 major aspects: Vectorization, Information extraction and an ensemble ranking approach.
- Words are vectorized using GloVe vectorization.
- GloVe model is built by taking both global statistics and concurent word similarities.
- So it is a better fit than the tf-idf approach.
Information Extraction:
- For the information extraction part we used Named Entity Recognition to extract skillset info from resume.
- For this we built a custom corpus and trained our own model so as to suit the context of our dataset.
- This will help us to capture better features.
- Finally for the ranking we used a combined strategy of classification and ranking.
- Classification is sone using Naive Bayes, SVM and RNN models and for ranking BM25 and cosine similarity measures were taken.
- For a ranking, documents are chosen based on max voting of the classifiers and then the selected documents are ranking based on the average of the 2 ranking scores.
- Models are evaluated using precision @R
- For the base model we got precision@R value of 32%
- After adapting research paper and implementing them, we improved precision@R to 71%.
- Create a virtual environment for installing dependencies. creating venv
- Install dependencies from requirements.txt
- Run the djando framework. run django