[1.19.6] - 2021-09-24
Fixed issue where built-in shaders and MonoScript Bundles prefix option was not prefixed to Bundle filename.
Restructured and updated documentation.
Fixed an issue where graphs in the event viewer would sometimes scroll off the window
Fixed issue where an AssetReference field cannot be interacted with the tab and enter keys.
Fixed issue where an AssetReference label is displayed wrong where the AssetReferece is a child of the property being displayed.
Added documentation for Addressables.CleanBundleCache
Fixed issue where editing an open Prefab and saving the Prefab will deselect selected Objects.
Improved performance of displaying Addressables Inspector in a very large Project.
Fixed issue where buildlayout.txt would contain incorrect bundle names if a group's bundle naming scheme was set to filename
Fixed an issue where some platforms were caching catalogs that don't support caching
Fixed an issue where the popup windows for creating new profiles path variables would appear in seemingly random places.
Fixed an issue where the popup window for creating a Build and Load path variable pair would not properly display its save button
Added note in Hosting Services docs about modifying firewall settings when testing on other devices.
Added handling of possible exceptions when caching catalog files.
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