This is an attempt to replicate Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge. The board representation is based on the library of efficient go routines by Łukasz Lew.
- MXNet
- CMake
- Git
- Cap'n Proto
Optional requirements:
- CUDA / cuDNN
- Intel MKL
How to build:
- (Install optional depedencies)
- Install MXNet (official instructions)
git clone --recursive --branch 1.1.0
- Configure dependencies in make/ file,
should be set to1
make -j NUM_CPUS
(replace NUM_CPUS by the number of CPUs of you computer)
- Install MXNet python package
- Either:
cd python; pip install --user -e .
- Or: Install precompiled pypi package
- Either:
- Install Cap'n Proto package
- Either from official web page
- Or: install with package manager
apt-get install capnproto
- Download a pretrained model:
- Compile Argos Zero:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Edit the config file
- Create build folder:
mkdir argos-zero-build; cd argos-zero-build
- Run CMake:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMXNET_PATH=/your/local/mxnet/path /your/local/argos/zero/path
make -j NUM_CPUS
(replace NUM_CPUS by the number of CPUs of you computer)
- Clone the repository:
Finally, you can try the selfplay (see Command Line section for details) mode by running: argos-zero-build/src/selfplay
. You can play against the program using any Go GUI that supports the GTP protocol using the argos-zero-build/src/gtp
binary. A modern Go GUI is Sabaki.
usage: selfplay networkPath [optional options]
required options:
-n [ --networkPath ] arg path to trained model
optional options:
-h [ --help ] print this message and exit
-c [ --config ] arg path to config file
-l [ --logfilePath ] arg path where log file should be stored
by default logs are stored in
`<timestamp>.log` file in the same directory
as network
-d [ --deviceType ] arg set device type (CPU, GPU, CPU_PINNED)
-s [ --server ] arg set server ip, default is:
-p [ --port ] arg set port
--tree-numEvaluationThreads arg set numEvaluationThreads
--tree-numThreads arg set numThreads
--tree-randomizeFirstNMoves arg set randomizeFirstNMoves
--tree-numLastRootNodes arg set numLastRootNodes
--tree-virtualPlayouts arg set virtualPlayouts
--tree-expandAt arg set expandAt
--tree-priorC arg set priorC
--tree-networkRollouts arg enable|disable network rollouts
--tree-trainingMode arg enable|disable training mode
--time-c arg set time c
--time-maxPly arg set maxPly
--time-delay arg set delay
--engine-totalTime arg set totalTime in milliseconds
--engine-resignThreshold arg set resignThreshold