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is the most powerful and easy to use programmable zipcode database in Python. It comes with a rich feature and easy-to-use zipcode search engine. And it is easy to customize the search behavior as you wish.
From version 0.2.0, uszipcode
use a more up-to-date database, and having a crawler running every week to collection different data points from multiple data source. And API in 0.2.X NOT COMPATIBLE with 0.1.X, please read Document for more information.
Address, Postal
- zipcode
- zipcode_type
- major_city
- post_office_city
- common_city_list
- county
- state
- area_code_list
- lat
- lng
- timezone
- radius_in_miles
- land_area_in_sqmi
- water_area_in_sqmi
- bounds_west
- bounds_east
- bounds_north
- bounds_south
- border polygon
Stats and Demographics
- population
- population_density
- population_by_year
- population_by_age
- population_by_gender
- population_by_race
- head_of_household_by_age
- families_vs_singles
- households_with_kids
- children_by_age
Real Estate and Housing
- housing_units
- occupied_housing_units
- median_home_value
- median_household_income
- housing_type
- year_housing_was_built
- housing_occupancy
- vancancy_reason
- owner_occupied_home_values
- rental_properties_by_number_of_rooms
- monthly_rent_including_utilities_studio_apt
- monthly_rent_including_utilities_1_b
- monthly_rent_including_utilities_2_b
- monthly_rent_including_utilities_3plus_b
Employment, Income, Earnings, and Work
- employment_status
- average_household_income_over_time
- household_income
- annual_individual_earnings
- sources_of_household_income____percent_of_households_receiving_income
- sources_of_household_income____average_income_per_household_by_income_source
- household_investment_income____percent_of_households_receiving_investment_income
- household_investment_income____average_income_per_household_by_income_source
- household_retirement_income____percent_of_households_receiving_retirement_incom
- household_retirement_income____average_income_per_household_by_income_source
- source_of_earnings
- means_of_transportation_to_work_for_workers_16_and_over
- travel_time_to_work_in_minutes
- educational_attainment_for_population_25_and_over
- school_enrollment_age_3_to_17
has two backend database,SimpleZipcode
has more info, but the database file is 450MB (takes more time to download).SimpleZipcode
doesn't has all data points listed above, but the database file is smaller (9MB). By defaultuszipcode
. You can use this code to choose to use the rich infoZipcode
:>>> from uszipcode import SearchEngine >>> search = SearchEngine(simple_zipcode=False)From 0.2.4,
allows developer to choose which directory you want to use to download the database file. By default, it is$HOME/.uszipcode
, but you can easily change it.:>>> search = SearchENgine(db_file_dir="/tmp")For example, AWS Lambda doesn't allow to download file to $HOME directory, but allows to download to
>>> from uszipcode import SearchEngine
>>> search = SearchEngine(simple_zipcode=True) # set simple_zipcode=False to use rich info database
>>> zipcode = search.by_zipcode("10001")
>>> zipcode
SimpleZipcode(zipcode=u'10001', zipcode_type=u'Standard', major_city=u'New York', post_office_city=u'New York, NY', common_city_list=[u'New York'], county=u'New York County', state=u'NY', lat=40.75, lng=-73.99, timezone=u'Eastern', radius_in_miles=0.9090909090909091, area_code_list=[u'718', u'917', u'347', u'646'], population=21102, population_density=33959.0, land_area_in_sqmi=0.62, water_area_in_sqmi=0.0, housing_units=12476, occupied_housing_units=11031, median_home_value=650200, median_household_income=81671, bounds_west=-74.008621, bounds_east=-73.984076, bounds_north=40.759731, bounds_south=40.743451)
>>> zipcode.values() # to list
[u'10001', u'Standard', u'New York', u'New York, NY', [u'New York'], u'New York County', u'NY', 40.75, -73.99, u'Eastern', 0.9090909090909091, [u'718', u'917', u'347', u'646'], 21102, 33959.0, 0.62, 0.0, 12476, 11031, 650200, 81671, -74.008621, -73.984076, 40.759731, 40.743451]
>>> zipcode.to_dict() # to dict
{'housing_units': 12476, 'post_office_city': u'New York, NY', 'bounds_east': -73.984076, 'county': u'New York County', 'population_density': 33959.0, 'radius_in_miles': 0.9090909090909091, 'timezone': u'Eastern', 'lng': -73.99, 'common_city_list': [u'New York'], 'zipcode_type': u'Standard', 'zipcode': u'10001', 'state': u'NY', 'major_city': u'New York', 'population': 21102, 'bounds_west': -74.008621, 'land_area_in_sqmi': 0.62, 'lat': 40.75, 'median_household_income': 81671, 'occupied_housing_units': 11031, 'bounds_north': 40.759731, 'bounds_south': 40.743451, 'area_code_list': [u'718', u'917', u'347', u'646'], 'median_home_value': 650200, 'water_area_in_sqmi': 0.0}
>>> zipcode.to_json() # to json
"zipcode": "10001",
"zipcode_type": "Standard",
"major_city": "New York",
"post_office_city": "New York, NY",
"common_city_list": [
"New York"
"county": "New York County",
"state": "NY",
"lat": 40.75,
"lng": -73.99,
"timezone": "Eastern",
"radius_in_miles": 0.9090909090909091,
"area_code_list": [
"population": 21102,
"population_density": 33959.0,
"land_area_in_sqmi": 0.62,
"water_area_in_sqmi": 0.0,
"housing_units": 12476,
"occupied_housing_units": 11031,
"median_home_value": 650200,
"median_household_income": 81671,
"bounds_west": -74.008621,
"bounds_east": -73.984076,
"bounds_north": 40.759731,
"bounds_south": 40.743451
Rich search methods are provided for getting zipcode in the way you want.
>>> from uszipcode import Zipcode
# Search zipcode within 30 miles, ordered from closest to farthest
>>> result = search.by_coordinates(39.122229, -77.133578, radius=30, returns=5)
>>> len(res) # by default 5 results returned
>>> for zipcode in result:
... # do whatever you want...
# Find top 10 population zipcode
>>> result = search.by_population(lower=0, upper=999999999,
... sort_by=Zipcode.population, ascending=False, returns=10)
# Find top 10 largest land area zipcode
>>> res = search.by_landarea(lower=0, upper=999999999,
... sort_by=Zipcode.land_area_in_sqmi, ascending=False, returns=10)
Fuzzy city name and state name search does not require developer to know the exact spelling of the city or state. And it is case, space insensitive, having high tolerance to typo. This is very helpful if you need to build a web app with it.
# Looking for Chicago and IL, but entered wrong spelling.
>>> res = search.by_city_and_state("cicago", "il", returns=999) # only returns first 999 results
>>> len(res) # 56 zipcodes in Chicago
>>> zipcode = res[0]
>>> zipcode.major_city
>>> zipcode.state_abbr
You can easily sort your results by any field, or distance from a coordinates if you query by location.
# Find top 10 population zipcode
>>> res = search.by_population(lower=0, upper=999999999,
... sort_by=Zipcode.population, ascending=False, returns=10)
>>> for zipcode in res:
... # do whatever you want...
I collect lots of feedback from organization user that people want to host the database file privately. And people may love to use different rdbms backend like mysql or psql. From 0.2.6
, this is easy.
Host the database file privately:
- download db file from https://github.com/MacHu-GWU/uszipcode-project/releases/tag/0.2.6-db-file
- reupload it to your private storage.
- use
search = SearchEngine(download_url="your-private-host")
Use different RDBMS backend:
- Let's use MySQL as example.
- Download db file.
- use DBeaver to connect to both sqlite and mysql.
- dump sqlite as csv and load it to mysql.
- use
from uszipcode.pkg.sqlalchemy_mate import engine_creator
engine = create_postgresql(username, password, host, port, database)
search = SearchEngine(engine=engine)
Deploy uszipcode as Web API:
- Use a VM like EC2 machine, and deploy a web api server with the machine.
- (RECOMMEND) Dump the sqlite database to any relational database like Postgres, MySQL, and inject the database connection info in your application server.
is released on PyPI, so all you need is:
$ pip install uszipcode
To upgrade to latest version:
$ pip install --upgrade uszipcode