A basic NES emulator written in Rust with an emphasis on debugging and game development.
This is just a personal project for educational purposes. If you're learning how to write a NES emulator, I'd recommend checking out the resources below; they're infinitely better than mine 🙂
This project is deeply indebted to (in no particular order):
- NesDev, just in general.
- 6502_cpu.txt, for the per-opcode cycle details
- Undocumented Opcodes
- Bugzmanov's ebook, for getting me started and keeping me on track.
- Starr Horne's
, especially for her test cases, test macro, and cartridge structure. - 6502.org's Opcodes Tutorial, for info about specific opcodes.
- One Lone Coder's
, for his clear explanations and outstanding documentation. - masswerk.at's 6502 Instruction Set article, for per-opcode cycle and status mask details.