A command line utility to export Google Keep notes to markdown files with metadata stored as a frontmatter header.
- Exports all note types (List and Note)
- Exports all media attached to notes
- Audio, drawings, attached images, etc
- Sync Keep to directory (keeps directory looking exactly the same as Google Keep)
- Customizable date format
- Easy ISO8601 via
- Easy ISO8601 via
- Password or token based authentication
- Store your login token to config file with
keep_export savetoken
- Store your login token to config file with
- Note metadata header in yaml frontmatter format
If you do not supply a username or password before running it, you will be prompted to input them.
Usage: keep_export [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--config FILE Read configuration from FILE. [default: /home/nate/.config/keep-exporter]
-u, --user TEXT Google account email (prompt if empty) [env var: GKEEP_USER;required]
-p, --password TEXT Google account password (prompt if empty). Either this or token is required. [env var: GKEEP_PASSWORD]
-t, --token TEXT Google account token from prior run. Either this or password is required.
-d, --directory DIRECTORY Output directory for exported notes [default: ./gkeep-export]
--header / --no-header Choose to include or exclude the frontmatter header [default: header]
--delete-local / --no-delete-local
Choose to delete or leave as-is any notes that exist locally but not in Google Keep [default: no-delete-local]
--rename-local / --no-rename-local
Choose to rename or leave as-is any notes that change titles in Google Keep [default: no-rename-local]
--date-format TEXT Date format to prefix the note filenames. Reflects the created date of the note. uses strftime() [default: %Y-%m-%d]
--iso8601 Format dates in ISO8601 format.
--skip-existing-media / --no-skip-existing-media
Skip existing media if it appears unchanged from the local copy. [default: skip-existing-media]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
savetoken Saves the master token to your configuration file.
If you are using 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) for your google account, you will need to generate an app password for keep. You can do so on your Google account management page.
There are many ways to install this, easiest is through pip or the releases page.
The easiest way is with pip from PyPi
pip3 install keep-exporter
Download the wheel from the releases page and then install with pip:
pip install keep_exporter*.whl
- Clone the repository
or download from the releases page and extract the source code. cd
into the extracted directory- With poetry installed, run
poetry install
in the project root directory poetry build
will build the installable wheelcd dist
then runpip3 install <keep-exporter-file.whl>
Some users have had issues with the requests library detailed in this issue when using pipx
. The solution is to change the requests library version.
pipx install keep-exporter
pipx inject keep-exporter requests===2.23.0