scalecodec library for substrate based blockchains in native dart
- hash and digest serialized data
- fetch/send any data from/to blockchain
- sign extrinsics
Since scalecodec depends on reflectable package, users need to first build a reflectable file of the main entrypoint.
Usage of reflectable can be found in reflectable homepage
Setup these sections in your build.yaml file
- src/your-entry-point.dart
After that, run build command to generate reflectable file
pub run build_runner build ./
And setup reflectable code in your main entrypoint
import 'your-entry-point.reflectable.dart'
void main() {
Global reader/writer instance is used to store on-way binary data when converting from/to binary. They are singleton instances, initialized by caller, used by library and finished by caller.
- Global reader instance usage
createReaderInstance('hex string input');
// calling fromBinary will pop binary data from global reader and contruct structured data
- Global writer instance usage
// return Uint8List
// calling finalize will return all encoded data
var encoded = getWriterInstance().finalize();
Demo file at example/metadata_demo.dart
Current supported metadata version includes v11 and v12.
var magic = String.fromCharCodes(getReaderInstance().read(4));
if(magic != 'meta') {
throw Exception("Invalid metadata");
// decode metadata binary to metadata object
var metadata = fromBinary('MetadataEnum');
// dumps metadata as json
// or you can cache metadata json and initialize metadata from json
// var metadata = MetadataEnum.fromJson(jsonDecode(jsonEncode(metadata)));
// set global runtime metadata
- Numeric: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u256, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, i256
- Hash: H160, H256, H512
- Basic types: Str, Bytes, Bool
- Fixed length array: [typename, repeatCount]
- Dynamic array: Vec
- Compact: Compact
- Optional: Option
- Tuples: (typename1, typename2, ...)
- Complex types: Address, Era, StorageHasher, Extrinsics, ExtrinsicsPayloadValue, GenericCall, MetadataEnum
var obj = fromJson('typename', json);
var obj = fromBinary('typename');
var jsonStr = jsonEncode(obj);
// returns Uint8List
var bytes = getWriterInstance().finalize();