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Whait is Feed Algorithm

This is the algorithm developed for Travello is a travel based social network app. The app requires an intelligent way to provide new feeds for its users (see here: The algorithm uses variational auto-encoder to learn feature coefficients and use those coefficients to rank the user's posts and present the feed items which relevent to particular app user. The REST api of this algorithm called everytime an user check his/her feed in the app. The algorithm is currently running behind the Travelloapp feed system in travello's own Google kubernets engine.

Quick start

run with docker-compose (should work on any machine)

for simplicity this runs tensorflow and the python web server inside the same container, training will be only using CPU, so it will be slower than running natively on GPU

  • install docker-compose (from for macos)
docker-compose build web
docker-compose up web

running tensorboard

docker-compose exec web bash

tensorboard --logdir=logdir --bind_all # --bind_all makes it listen on

train new model with new data

  • connect to datascience read replica with gcloud sql proxy
  • run extract_feed_data script outside docker
MYSQL_USER=xxx MYSQL_PASS=xxx LIMIT=100000 ./ Data/feed_data.tsv
  • run inside docker
docker-compose exec web bash


run locally (this crashes on macos due to tensorflow binary issue)

python -m venv venv # create venv (optional)
source venv/bin/activate # activate venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

# copy some base models and Data

# run flask dev server
export FLASK_ENV=development
python -m flask run --host= --port 8080

File List and their purposes

  1. --- Non-linear model definition file.
  2. --- Training of Non-linear model.
  3. --- testing of non-linear model.
  4. --- loss functions for training of the non-linear model
  5. --- linear model training and testing file (needs to be changed)
  6. --- preprocessing raw data obtained from databases and making data applicable for ML algorithms
  7. --- similar to file
  8. --- contains the Global and Local Ranking logics for rank score generation
  9. FeedRankApi (Folder) --- contains REST api for the feed ranking (Django version)
  10. Flask-delp (Folder) --- contains REST api for the feed ranking (Flask version)
  11. Flask REST api demmo for

Training Linear algorithm

The file contains linear feed ranking model. It contains a class name LinearModel that warps python native linear regression models. In this implementation, following liear models are warped into this class:

  1. Lesso
  2. Linear Regression
  3. Ridge Regression
  4. Random Forrest

From detail analysis, Random Forrest is found best for travello feed data. To train a selected model, follow the example code shown below:

   obj = LinearModel("RandomForrest", 0.04) ### Declared the object
   obj.prepare_feed_data(FileName,Training_ratio,Label_name) ## Loading and pre-processing feed data file ### Training the model

Each of the argument is explained below:

  1. FileName = the full directory and filename of the csv file that contains feed data
  2. Training_ratio = is the parcent of feeddata is to be used for training the model (80% is used in our case)
  3. Label_name = any arbitrary column in the feeddata csv file should be used as the labal data for the training

To get the rank score of a particular feed-post, the feed-post features should be given as input data like below:

For obtaining Global Rank

   obj.Rank(data) ### Here data is numpy array with 7 element 

The elemets of the in the input array ("data" in this case is 1D array), following order must be followed:

data[0] = Comments
data[1] = Age
data[2] = PostLength
data[3] = Hash
data[4] = Latitude
data[5] = Longitude
data[6] = Url

Since the model is trained using 'Like' column as label in this case, the rank calculation considers other features except the like feature. The rank score calculated here is Global rank score. To obtain the ranks of a bunch of feed posts, the BulkRank function is to be used. In this case, the input data to the function must be 2D array. The columns of the array is as before (shown in the previuous code block) and each row of the data array is an instance of feedpost.

Training NonLinear Model

The python file contains the non-linear feedrank model. There are two other file named and, each of which is the basic nonliner algorithm developed initially. The contains the deep-learning model and the file defines a wraping class of that model. The training of the non-linear model is very similar to that of linear model.

obj = NonLinearModel()
#### Train ####"/media/nazib/E20A2DB70A2D899D/Ubuntu_desktop/Travello/RawData/new_feed_data/","AllFeedData.csv")

The fit() function takes data directory and feeddata file name as argument and start training the model. After training, the trained non-linear model is saved in a folder named "logs". Each time a new model is trained, the model is saved inside the subdirectory of the "log" directory using data and time as the name of the folder. Rank calculation after training is also similar to linear models.

data = pd.read_csv("/media/nazib/E20A2DB70A2D899D/Ubuntu_desktop/Travello/RawData/new_feed_data/AllFeedData.csv")
cols = data.columns 
values = data[cols[3:]].values
glb_ranks = obj.predict(values)

Here, to get the global rank scores for feed-data of the csv file "AllFeedData.csv" predict function is used. The data is read in python dataframe and provided as argument to the predict function. The nonlinear model can also be trained by running python command as follows:


A non-linear model will be saved in the subdiretory of "logs" with command execution data and time.


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