##Setting up environment
Downloadand install JDK 8 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
Download and install Git bash https://git-scm.com/download/win
Download and install Apache Maven http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
###Set up your git repo
Fork this repository
Clone your repository to your local machine
##Homework submition
When you finished required code locally, push it to your repository on github and create a pull request to this repo.
In pull request mark your mentor (@mentorName) so it can review it.
To complite task one you need to fix DataProcessorTest unit tests. All methods in DataProcessor with "7" in a name should be implemented using Java 7, when other should be done with Java 8 streaming api.
The AccidentDataProcessor.processFile sequentially reads, enriches and writes accident data to a file. Serial processing takes much time. Use multithreading to run these tasks in parallel and communicate to each other to reduce time.
**As the data size and processing complexity is low here the performance gain by multithreading might be little. To simulate complex data heavy processing I have introduced a delay of 1 second in data reader, data enricher and data writer. The usage is via Util.sleep(). You can increase the time here or switch it off to play around.
Below task is optional if somebody is interested to play with more. For more complicated scenario change to use PoliceForceExternalDataService.getContactNoWithDelay() from enricher to simulate the scenario that enrichment from 3rd party service may get stuck. As a solution this can be run in a separate thread and the result should be returned using Future with a timeout
In this assignment you have to cover the code introduced in previous home task with tests. Feel free to cover both your own code or code provided to you as a part of home task 2.
- There should be at least 3 tests implemented. The more tests you implement - the better, but please remember to avoid redundant tests. Test coverage will be taken into consideration for final projects evaluation. You can use your IDE/plugin to measure that.
- Make use of Hamcrest matchers in your tests
- Use Mockito in your unit tests (or PowerMock, which overcomes Mockito limitations):
- mock() dependecies of tested component
- provide at least one stub with when()
- verify() behavior at least once
- Write at least one integration test, without mocking (hint: you may consider testing file writing functionality)
#HomeTask 4: Sample Code Base: https://github.com/grephari/JMP2
Scenarios to be implemented for Homework:
- Find all the accidents by ID(Note: We can use findOne method which will accept the Accident ID as PK).
- Find all the accidents count groupby all roadsurface conditions . 3. Find all the accidents count groupby accident year and weather condition .( For eg: in year 2009 we need to know the number of accidents based on each weather condition).
- On a given date, fetch all the accidents and update the Time based on the below rules Time Logic: MORNING - 6 am to 12 pm AFTERNOON - 12 pm to 6 pm EVENING - 6 pm to 12 am NIGHT - 12 am to 6 am
1. For above scenarios, you can use either Spring JDBC/ORM or use Spring Data as we discussed in the session. 2. Use DI (either setter/constructor) for some dependencies. 3. For repositories use Autowiring either declarative or Annotation approach. 4. Please write the entities for all the tables required with all the associations using JPA annotations. 5. DB related properties will be defined in persistence.xml 6. JPA will be configured in spring config file which inturn will search for persistence.xml under META-INF/persistence.xml.
convert your previous project base on springboot.
Sample Code Base: https://github.com/java-mentoring-program-2/SpringBootDemo
Create a Java Web Application for Accident management Tasks:
- Integrate your existing Accident Service layer into the web-app
- Create a view that will list some accidents
- Create a view that will allow adding/editing of accidents
- Secure the application, so that the list of accidents should be accessible only for authenticated users, while editing should be permitted only to admins.
Sample Code Base: https://github.com/adancu/jamp2-webapp