This application will read data from a Kafka topic, enrich it by retrieving files associated to the data and then pass the data on to the Joark archive.
For a description of the whole archiving system, see the documentation.
This component requires the following to work:
- innsending-api (REST-endpoint for retrieving files)
- soknadarkiv-schema (Avro schema definitions)
- Joark (REST-endpoint for sending data)
- Kafka broker (for providing input data)
These groups have API access in production:
- nais-team-fyllut-sendinn (5c4d5ed5-eeb8-4586-bf2f-3421ee98df40)
- Team Skjemadigitalisering (6d98053f-362d-447e-a272-8132f278f42b)
Preprod requires an NAV preprod user
Questions regarding the code or the project can be asked to the team by raising an issue on the repo.
NAV employees can reach the team by Slack in the channel #teamsoknad