is mainly used for creating wheels for ManimPango. It provides a static Windows and macOS build of pango including all its dependencies which ManimPango uses for its binary Windows and macOS wheels.
In addition to pango it also provides a static build of pkgconf which is required by ManimPango during its wheel build process for locating dependencies.
The build process is based on the meson build system and uses Visual Studio on GitHub Actions to automatically build and publish everything. See the workflow file for details. You can of course also build everything locally yourself, see the instructions below.
# install meson and ninja
pip install -r requirements.txt
# build pango
cd pango-build
meson setup buildDir --prefix=/
meson compile -C buildDir
meson install -C buildDir --destdir ../dist
# see ./dist for the result
# build pkgconf
cd ../pkgconf-build
meson setup buildDir --prefix=/
meson compile -C buildDir
meson install -C buildDir --destdir ../dist
# see ./dist for the result
All dependencies and pango itself are included via the meson wrap system and we depend on the meson WrapDB for updates. The following is required to pull in new versions from pypi and wrapdb:
# manually update meson/ninja in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# update wrap files from wrapdb
meson wrap update --sourcedir pango-build
meson wrap update --sourcedir pkgconf-build
- Create a new release in the GH UI
- GHA will do the rest
All the build script are licensed under Apache License 2.0, and the binaries in release section is under LGPL same as Pango's license.