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A powerfull schema validator

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Via Poetry:

poetry add kohi

Via PIP:

pip install kohi

Via GitHub (recommended only in dev env):

git clone && cd kohi && pip install .


To validate a type you can import your schema validator from kohi or from kohi.<type> import <type>Schema


Let's check if a person's date of birth is a positive integer less than the current date — 2023 — and greater than or equal to 2005

from kohi import NumberSchema
# from kohi.number import NumberSchema

n = NumberSchema().int().positive().lt(2023).gte(2005)

print(n.validate(2005)) # True
print(n.validate(2022)) # True
print(n.validate(2004)) # False
print(n.validate(2023)) # False

# You can see the errors generated in the last `validate` call just by accessing the `errors` property
# print(n.errors) # ['number must be less than 2022']


Only one base class for all schema validators

or kohi.NumberSchema

or kohi.StringSchema

or kohi.EnumSchema

or kohi.DictSchema



  • add_validator(name, func): Self

    Add a custom data validator

  • validate(data): bool

    The method to be called when we validate the schema

  • reset(): None

    Reset error list

  • throw(): Self

    By default no errors are thrown, but when this method is chained a ValidationError will be thrown

  • add_mutation(): Self

    Add a mutation function than will run after the validate method. P.S. Will only be executed in the parse method

  • parse(data): typeof data

    Run the validate method, the mutations and return a deep clone of data

  • default(data): Self

    Set a default value for when the validator receives None and you don't want to generate an error

  • optional(): Self

    Allow values None

  • required(error_message=None): Self

    Mark the schema as required. Does not allow values None


inherits from BaseSchema

By default validates int and float

  • float(): Self

    Validate only float

  • int(): Self

    Validate only int

  • lt(num): Self

    Validates if the data is less than num

  • gt(num): Self

    Validates if the data is greater than num

  • lte(num): Self

    Validates if the data is less than or equal to num

  • gte(num): Self

    Validates if the data is greater than or equal to num

  • min(num): Self

    Just an alias for gte(num)

  • max(num): Self

    Just an alias for lte(nun)

  • positive(): Self

    Just an alias for gt(0)

  • negative(): Self

    Just an alias for lt(0)

  • nonpositive(): Self

    Just an alias for lte(0)

  • nonnegative(): Self

    Just an alias for gte(0)


inherits from BaseSchema

  • min(min_length): Self

    Validate if the data len is greater than or equal to min_length

  • length(length): Self

    Validate if the data len equal to length

  • max(max_length): Self

    Validate if the data len is less than or equal to max_length

  • url(): Self

    Validate if the data is an url

  • uuid(): Self

    Validate if the data is a valid uuid

  • starts_with(text): Self

    Validate if the data starts with text

  • ends_with(text): Self

    Validate if the data ends with text


inherits from BaseSchema

  • one_of(opts): Self

    Validate if the data is in opts

  • not_one_of(opts): Self

    Validate that data is different from the values in opts


inherits from BaseSchema

  • props(**props): Self

    Defines the structure of the dictionary in the format [key]: ClassValidator

Dev env

  • install development dependencies
  • check types using mypy
  • run all tests using pytest