Vim syntax for cargo-make.
- Injects highlighting for sh/bash, Duckscript, and Rust if scripts have
appropriate shebang lines.
- NOTE: Rust highlighting requires the comment
instead of a normal shebang as Rust doesn't understand comments that start with#
- NOTE: Rust highlighting requires the comment
- Highlights variable expansions
- Highlights built-in functions
builds on cespare/vim-toml
for syntax highlighting and won't work without it installed either directly or
available indirectly through a project like
I also recommend installing vim-duckscript
for Duckscript highlighting.
Set up vim-plug. In your .vimrc:
call plug#begin()
Plug 'nastevens/vim-cargo-make'
" TOML highlighting based on cespare/vim-toml needs to be available
Plug 'cespare/vim-toml' " -- OR --
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" Recommended install to get duckscript highlighting
Plug 'nastevens/vim-duckscript'
call plug#end()
Reload your .vimrc and run :PlugInstall
Set up Vundle. In your .vimruc:
Plugin 'nastevens/vim-cargo-make'
" TOML highlighting based on cespare/vim-toml needs to be available
Plugin 'cespare/vim-toml' " -- OR --
Plugin 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" Recommended install to get duckscript highlighting
Plug 'nastevens/vim-duckscript'
Reload your .vimrc and run :PluginInstall
Licensed under the MIT license
Contributions are always welcome! Please open a PR or Issue. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this work by you shall be licensed under the MIT license as stated above, without any additional terms or conditions.