Ultralight Go web framework for bootstrapping microservices. It's built on top of popular httprouter httprouter with all the necessary middlewares hooked to get you started easily.
Easy routes setup with alice middleware chaining
ctx := context.Background() panicHandler := &AppPanicHandler{} chain := alice.New(goboot.ClearHandler, goboot.LoggingHandler) chain.Append(goboot.RecoverHandler(ctx, panicHandler)) r.Get("/", chain.ThenFunc(Index))
Simple and consistent controller spec. Just return goboot.Response type from the controller
func SignUp(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) goboot.Response { us := goboot.RequestBody(r).(*User) savedUser, err := service.SaveUser(us) if err != nil { return goboot.ErrorResponse(err) } return goboot.DataResponse(savedUser) }
Each controller can either return an error or success API response. JSON output that is written to the client is:
- ErrorResponse
{ "status" : "ERROR", "error" : "<api error message>", "data" : "error data, if name" }
- DataResponse
{ "status" : "OK", "data" : {"name":"Puran S", "email":"[email protected]"} }
Simple JSON POST body handler marshal's your JSON request to go struct
- Define your request data struct
type newsArticle struct { ID bson.ObjectId `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` PublishedDate string `json:"date_published"` }
- Define route
jsonHandler := goboot.JSONBodyHandler(ctx, newsArticle{}) r.Post("/api/v1/articles", chain.Append(jsonHandler).ThenFunc(goboot.ResponseHandler(SaveNewsArticle)))
- POST request handler
func SaveNewsArticle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) goboot.Response { newArtcile := goboot.RequestBody(r).(*newsArticle) ........ }
Supports API Key or JWT Auth Token for security
- For API Key based security append the middleware
apiKeyAuthC := chain.Append(goboot.APIKeyAuth(ctx, apiErrHandler))
- For auth token based security use
jwtChain := chain.Append(goboot.JWTAuthHandler(ctx, apiErrHandler))
- For API Key based security append the middleware
package main
import (
type AppPanicHandler struct {
func (eh AppPanicHandler) HandleError(r *http.Request, err error) {
//Handle panic error best suited for your application
func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome!\n")
func SignUp(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) goboot.Response {
us := goboot.RequestBody(r).(*User)
savedUser, err := service.SaveUser(us)
if err != nil {
return goboot.ErrorResponse(err)
return goboot.DataResponse(savedUser)
func handlers() *goboot.Router {
ctx := context.Background()
var panicHandler = &AppPanicHandler{}
chain := alice.New(goboot.ClearHandler, goboot.LoggingHandler)
chain.Append(goboot.RecoverHandler(ctx, panicHandler))
r := goboot.DefaultRouter(ctx)
//setup routes
r.Get("/", chain.ThenFunc(Index))
userJSONHandler := goboot.JSONBodyHandler(ctx, User{})
r.Post("/api/v1/users", chain.Append(userJSONHandler).ThenFunc(goboot.ResponseHandler(SignUp)))
func main() {
port := "8080"
fmt.Printf("Starting server on port: %s.... %s \n", port)
log.Println("Press ctrl+E to stop the server.")
srv := &http.Server{
Handler: handlers(),
Addr: port,
ReadTimeout: 4 * time.Minute,
WriteTimeout: 8 * time.Minute,
if serr := srv.ListenAndServe(); serr != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error starting server: %s\n", serr)