TradeOfferLib is a Java library that allows you to create, counter-offer, accept and decline trade offers on Steam. It should work for item that is normally tradable via Steam.
This library can:
- Create trades
- Modify incoming trades
- Accept/Decline trades
- List available inventories (That's right, it works with more than just TF2)
- Iterate through the items in the inventory
I don't have any games that use "currency" so I haven't been able to try trading that yet.
Example usage:
TradeUser bot = new TradeUser();
//Interactive login
//bot.login("sir tradesalot", "gimme yer scrap");
//but I like storing my cookies somewhere and just using them instead
bot.addCookie("steamMachineAuth76561198086629338", "CAFEBABEDEADBEEFD3501473DECAFB0075FED0RA", true);
bot.addCookie("steamLogin", "76561198086629338%7C%7CCAFEBABEDEADBEEFD3501473DECAFB0075FED0RA", false);
//Get an existing trade
Trade trade = bot.getTrade(123456);
//Or start a new one
//trade = bot.newTrade(new SteamID(76561198086629338L));
//These are things they've added to trade
System.out.println("Their assets:");
Trade.TradeStatusUser them = trade.tradeStatus.them;
for(Trade.TradeAsset tradeAsset : trade.tradeStatus.them.assets)
System.out.println("My assets:");
Trade.TradeStatusUser me =;
for(Trade.TradeAsset tradeAsset : me.assets)
Inventory.Description d = me.getDescription(tradeAsset);
//Getting defindexes
if(tradeAsset.appid == 440)
String defIndex = d.app_data.get("def_index");
//Or you could loop through their inventory and add items you like
Inventory inventory = them.fetchInventory(440, 2);
for(Inventory.Item item : inventory.getItems())
Inventory.Description description = item.description;
String def_index = description.app_data.get("def_index");
if(def_index.equals("5000") || def_index.equals("5001") || def_index.equals("5002"))
//Take all their metal!
//Update sends the changes you made to the other player so they can review the changes
trade.update("Gimme yer metal!");
// Or if you're responding to a trade sent to you