With this addon, you can draw texts in various align.
e.g. center-bottom aligned, fit in a rect,,,
center-middle align with min width and min height set.
right-bottom align with min width and max width set.
In case of using ttf, simply load a font and draw string.
ofxTextAlignTTF text;
text.load(OF_TTF_SANS, fontsize);
text.draw("some cool text", x,y);
You have to code a bit.
class YourClass : public ofxTextAlign
const char* drawChar(const char *str, float x, float y);
float getCharWidth(char ch) const;
float getLineHeight() const;
const char* YourClass::drawChar(const char *str, float x, float y)
// draw the first charactor of str as (x,y) position to be left-top point.
string ch;
ch.assign(str, 1);
ofDrawBitmapString(ch, x, y);
// and return pointer to next charactor.
return str+1;
float YourClass::getCharWidth(char ch) const
// return width of each charactor.
// If it is constant, the text will be monospaced.
return 32;
float YourClass::getLineHeight() const
// return default line height. It may be ignored by setting min/max height.
return ofTrueTypeFont::getLineHeight();
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