Line edge roughness estimation with deep learning This code has been written by Narendra Chaudhary. All rights reserved.
The single line original image dataset can be downloaded from this link -
The single line noisy image dataset can be downloaded from this link -
The linescan dataset can be downloaded from this link -
The Multiple line noisy image dataset (Used in LineNet) can be download from this link -
The Multiple line original image dataset (Used in LineNet) )can be downloaded from this link -
The linescans folder has multiple text files that contain the X and Y positions of line edges. The images generated from ARTIMAGEN without any noise are in the original_images2 folder. The images generated from ARTIMAGEN with Poisson noise are in the noisy_images2 folder. The images in both original_image2 and noisy_images2 folder are of the TIFF data format type.
Every file has a naming convention.
linescan file name = linescan_sigma_alpha_Xi_width_space.txt original image name = oim_sigma_alpha_Xi_width_space_shift.tiff noisy image name = nim_sigma_alpha_Xi_width_space_shift_noiselevel.tiff
Here shift = - math.floor(-25 + (width + space/2 + Xi + alpha10 + sigma10)%16)