Combine JUnit XML reports from two and more.
The reports of two and more can be combined using the set operations union, intersection, and difference.
- Node.js 10+
npm i -g junit-reports-combiner
npm i junit-reports-combiner
Combines two reports:
junit-reports-combiner TEST-example.FooTest.xml TEST-example.BarTest.xml
See the man junit-reports-combiner
for details.
import { DOMParser } from 'xmldom';
import JUnitReportsCombiner from 'junit-reports-combiner';
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xml1 = `
<testsuite tests="1" failures="0" name="example.FooTest" time="0.001" errors="0" skipped="0">
<testcase classname="example.FooTest" name="testFoo" time="0.001"/>
const doc1 = parser.parseFromString(xml1, 'application/xml');
const xml2 = `
<testsuite tests="1" failures="1" name="example.BarTest" time="0.001" errors="0" skipped="0">
<testcase classname="example.BarTest" name="testBar" time="0.001">
<failure type="java.lang.AssertionError">java.lang.AssertionError</failure>
const doc2 = parser.parseFromString(xml2, 'application/xml');
const combiner = new JUnitReportsCombiner();
const doc3 = combiner.combine(doc1, doc2);
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.