MadoquaBundle is a very basic, markdown based blogging engine for Symfony2. It relies on a single directory with *.markdown files for its blog posts.
There's a simple service in Service/Post.php that describes the functionality.
You should be able to run this bundle in the latest sf2 sandbox. For speed reasons it's probably a good idea to run your Kernel in a cache wrapper, since there is no caching in the service/model layer.
Configuration options for the root config of your application.
#directory of your posts
madoqua.post.directory: "/abs/dir/to/your/posts/"
#Name of your blog
madoqua.name: "A Name For Your Blog"
#view scripts, set these to use a different view/theme
madoqua.view.scripts.postread: "MadoquaBundle:Post:read"
madoqua.view.scripts.postlatest: "MadoquaBundle:Post:latest"
#optional if you don't have a handler already
exception_listener.controller: "Application\MadoquaBundle\Controller\ExceptionController::handleAction"
#DIC config
madoqua.view: ~ #madoqua view helpers
madoqua.post: ~ #madoqua post domain
The markdown used in the posts has but one simple extension over vanilla, in code blocks it's possible to denote the language of the code with #lang on the first line. The code will be parsed with GeSHi.
For the markdown parsing it relies on KNPLabs' MarkdownBundle, although there's a tiny patch required, so for the time being you'll have to use naneau's branch.