Google Photos album viewer built with Vue.js.
Conventional grid.
Justified layout highlighting the "quoted" word (i.e. theme) in each photo description.
The default state initializes gapi
. Once authenticated, the
user can select one of their albums, and its full contents is loaded.
Vuex application state JSON is exposed in the authenticated context. The state is modified with relative base URLs that are compatible with the naming conventions of page assets when saved via Google Chrome.
When downloaded, served, and configured, i.e.
<div id="app" data-external-state-path="365-2019-state.json"></div>
the Vue.js application functions in an unauthenticated context, initialized with this static state.
A working example of this context can be seen in the
branch, which is built and served
via GitHub Pages.
Media clicks are instrumented with Google Analytics Events when configured.
Setup Google OAuth 2.0 and include your Client ID in
. -
Optionally setup Google Analytics and include your ID in
. -
Build the application via:
npm run serve
or other Vue CLI commands.