Escape Code is a Python 🐍 programming game where you use your debugging and programming skills to solve coding puzzles and unlock the next level of the game!
1- Clone or download this repository to your computer.
2- Fire up your favorite code editor.
3- Open in your code editor.
4- Read the comments at the top to understand your objective. When you complete the level you will be given a password that allows you to unzip Simple yet elegant!
5- Enjoy escaping into the world of Escape Code! 😊
This is a where the magic starts! The code attempts to shuffle a list, but it doesn't work for some reason. Your mission is to fix the code to print the password for level_2.
Main competencies: Lists, Random, Loops
In this level you are expected to write a few lines of code to insert items into a BST in a way that makes it balanced. You are provided with all needed functions and the BST implementation.
Main competencies: Binary Search Trees
I recommend using the free utility to unzip the files for each level. Enjoy! 😊
If you have an idea for a level, found a bug, or want to contribute in any way, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. I welcome your creativity and input!