This workout app is modelled after a PPL program (Push, Pull, and Legs) and it allows users to follow along with some customizable options to suit their needs. It also records workouts so users can track their progression over time.
- React/CSS
- Node/Express
- MongoDB
- jsonwebtoken
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- In the project directory, install NPM packages for backend
npm install
- Start the Express server
npm run start
- In another terminal, install NPM packages for frontend and start the React development server
cd frontend npm install npm start
Upon logging in, you will see what planned day it is for you, as well as the details of the last workout of the same type (push, pull, or legs), if you have one. If you're not feeling like the planned day, simply skip to the next.
Your workout will have predetermined exercises (main lifts) for the day as per the program. Exercises will have an up arrow, down arrow, or equals sign to represent the movement of weight based on its previous rep and set count. Accessories can be chosen, edited, and added by the user.
After creating their workout, the user can input their reps into a chart that is generated based on it.
All workouts are saved and sorted by type so the user can track their progress.
- joi