This is the description of Project Name
npx react-native init AwesomeTSProject --template=
yarn or yarn install
yarn pod
cd ios && pod install
yarn ios
yarn android
In order to speed up the setup, we provide a CLI to generate assets, create the Android Drawable XML file and the iOS Storyboard file automatically ✨.
npx react-native generate-bootsplash --help
--- or ---
yarn react-native generate-bootsplash --help
The command can take multiple arguments:
Usage: react-native generate-bootsplash [options] <logo>
Generate a launch screen using a logo file path (PNG or SVG)
--platforms <list> Platforms to generate for, separated by a comma (default: "android,ios,web")
--background <string> Background color (in hexadecimal format) (default: "#fff")
--logo-width <number> Logo width at @1x (in dp - we recommend approximately ~100) (default: 100)
--assets-output <string> Assets output directory path
--flavor <string> Android flavor build variant (where your resource directory is) (default: "main")
--html <string> HTML template file path (your web app entry point) (default: "index.html")
--license-key <string> License key to enable brand and dark mode assets generation
--brand <string> Brand file path (PNG or SVG)
--brand-width <number> Brand width at @1x (in dp - we recommend approximately ~80) (default: 80)
--dark-background <string> [dark mode] Background color (in hexadecimal format)
--dark-logo <string> [dark mode] Logo file path (PNG or SVG)
--dark-brand <string> [dark mode] Brand file path (PNG or SVG)
-h, --help display help for command
yarn react-native generate-bootsplash path/to/image.png \
--background=F5FCFF \
--logo-width=100 \
--assets-output=src/Assets/bootsplash \
Copy all drawable-<> assets to relative mipmap-<> folders
example drawable-hdpi/bootsplash_logo.png to mipmap-hdpi
If facing any error when installing nodemodules or pods from iOS, remove all .lock files i.e; yarn.lock, Podfile.lock
Distributed under the FALCON CONSULTING license. See LICENSE
for more information.