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Naim A edited this page Feb 16, 2016 · 1 revision


If you would like to install a tracker on your server, you should take certain details into consideration. This page was created in order to compare different types of trackers.


Language comparison

Lots of trackers out there are programmed in Higher-Level languages such as Java, C#, etc... These languages are compiled but are considered slow when comparing to Assembler, C, C++. Some trackers are written in scripting languages such as Python or PHP - Scripting languages are even slower that High-Level languages since they aren't event compiled. UDPT is written in C++ and is compiled to machine code, so it is faster and more efficient than any tracker written in a High-Level or scripting language. (A high-level language means that the language manages memory, and some work is done for the programmer - High-Level languages always run on virtual-machines and are therefore slower, and less efficient.)

Networking Comparison

Most trackers are using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, which runs on top of the TCP/IP protocol. UDPT runs on UDP/IP, which saves about half the request size - If your server needs to handle lots of requests, this can allow your server to handle double the requests with less bandwidth in the same amount of time.


UDPT is designed with security in mind - All requests are validated before they are handled. In the meantime no security issues where reported.

The more the project is used - the better it will get. When I see people using the project, I develop it more and more. When bugs or suggestions are sent - I fix/add them to the project.

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